The Treasured Home Work Shop
Easy-peazy Chair Trim (Welting for Whimps!)
I found these six dining room chairs, that Mr. Wonderful could power spray for me. It all sounded easy enough. Sound familiar? If you’ve never had the pleasure of removing…
Read MoreThe Ruralist (New Shop at the 57th St. Antique Mall)
Greetings, dear friends!, As Mr. Wonderful puts the finishing touches on tonight’s barbecued chicken, I thought I’d tell you about The Ruralist, at 57th Street Antiques, here in Sacramento. Tom…
Read MoreNew (Furniture, Etc.) at The Treasured Home!
Greetings, dear ones!, I have just a few things to show you, at The Treasured Home, if you have a minute to sit back and take a peak! This isn’t…
Read MoreGettin’ My Milk Paint On at the Shop
Greetings fellow countrywomen!, I have a milk paint class on Saturday, so I’ve been mixing and layering colors, in my laboratory! I mentioned the other day, about creating a driftwood…
Read MoreMy New Coffee Table Make-Over!
Do you have a room in your house that doesn’t feel finished? For me, that would be our living room. I have been wanting for it to be more comfortable.…
Read MoreSave the Date! (A fun evening is planned, Thursday, May 16th, at 6 p.m.!)
Hello good looking! I know how busy you are and how your calendar fills up, pretty darn fast! So, I’m attempting to get on your “dance card”! (No, I’m not…
Read MoreTrying to Fool Mother Nature
They say it isn’t nice to fool Mother Nature. But, I have a new table top, that Mr. Wonderful made, to go on an old, wonderful table base, so I’ve…
Read MoreNew Furniture Pricing at The Treasured Home!
Is anyone buying furniture? Beautifully restored and/or painted antiques? I’d love to sell my lovely pieces because I have to make room for the pieces, waiting in the wings, aka…
Read MoreApril Class Schedule
Greetings! I wish you all lived next door and could join me at The Treasured Home, for painting classes! If you are in the Sacramento area, there’s no time like…
Read MoreWhy didn’t I think of that? (Gypsy Chic Vintage Market)
My small tribe of scavengers, set off for the darling town of Lincoln, this morning, in search of treasures. We had heard about the Gypsy Chic Vintage Market, in downtown…
Read MoreCandid Camera! Painting Class Photo Collages
Hello Darling! (I hope it’s OK that I call you “darling”, since I call most everyone “darling” or “sweetheart”!) For some reason, it bugs me when someone, particularly a man,…
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