Lots of Good News! July 15, 2012

Happy beginning of a new week, to you!

We’ve all heard about being open to opportunities, to “open doors” that lead to new adventure. I feel like I am at that place, right now. Let me give you an example.

Like everyone else, I had heard about the soon-to-be-released, milk paint line, by Marian, aka Miss Mustard Seed. (Now there’s a woman finding lots of “open doors” these days!). But, it wasn’t until I attended her painting class, at the Haven conference, that I learned she was choosing retailers, to represent the line around the country.

Then, as happens when things are meant to be, everything started falling right into place.

I started looking at my workshop in a whole new way. It’s about 800 ft.² in an office building, facing a heavily traveled Boulevard, near a major intersection. It’s our building and the space has become a catch-all for us. (But not any longer!)

I thought about combining my efforts, where I could restore and sell antiques, and treasures for the home, all in one place. It’s even large enough to teach furniture painting classes! So I talked with our contractor, and we’ll meet again tomorrow, to discuss options. First and foremost, the office carpeting has to go. I need something that looks organic, artsy and like anything but an office! Something “paint friendly”! My goal is to move into a brand new space, just a “stone’s throw” from down town Fair Oaks, in September!

I called a friend who’s an expert on the San Francisco Gift Center, thinking it would be nice to supplement my inventory with some gifty kind of goodies. Just so happens he’s headed there this week and he’ll give me the nickel tour on Tuesday!

I could go on, but I know you get the idea. I wonder how many times, I’ve missed open doors of opportunity, by not looking for them.

The best part is that Mr. Wonderful supports me all the way and the gang at Veranda Antiques are understanding about my paint fetish! What gifts!

I’ll continue to shop Veranda, where I found these treasures. A gorgeous old typewriter and an equally stunning old fan!



Can you imagine using one of these today?

Isn’t she the prettiest? It’s not currently functional, but maybe Mr. W. can change that.

My glove mold, also from Veranda, is engaged! Don’t you love her pom pom ring?


This linen is going to make some beautiful pillows some day and look at that darling hand carved scoop! Be still my heart! I won’t be keeping these things, but I love bringing them home, dusting them off and just admiring them for a while!

Stay tuned for more Miss Mustard Seed’s Milk Paint news. Product is due for shipment next month, and the on-line store is being created for my site, as we speak! I’ll be offering a great sale and give-away too! /


That’s all for now! I hope you find all sorts of “open doors” in your travels today!

Thanks for being here!,

Joining “Wow Us Wednesdays” at www.SavvySouthernStyle.blogspot.com

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  1. Jane on July 16, 2012 at 3:32 am

    WOW! Congrats on the new shop! The local gal who has the Chalk paint line was in the shop yesterday and she is doing exactly the same thing as you are with that paint line. Classes, shop, etc. and she, like you, said using this paint is addicting. Her eyes glazed over and she gets all dreamy just thinking about what piece of furniture she is going to paint next.
    Good for you!

  2. Nancy on July 16, 2012 at 4:35 am

    This sounds so exciting! Im happy for you and I really need to try the paint since I hear so much about it. Best of luck!

    • Barbara Bussey on July 16, 2012 at 7:20 am

      Thanks so much, Nancy! It really is fun! My only advice is to start on a small project. I started on a picture frame! It wasn’t so intimidating.

  3. Patti@Pretty Old Houses on July 16, 2012 at 4:41 am

    Congratulations! I’ll be keeping up with your latest adventure. Best of luck.

    • Barbara Bussey on July 16, 2012 at 7:22 am

      Thanks, Patti, I am taking a leap of faith in this economy and most of all, in myself! Thanks for your support!

  4. Donnamae on July 16, 2012 at 4:45 am

    Hey, congrats! So glad that doors of opportunity are opening for you! The new shop sounds like a great idea! Keep us posted! 😉

    • Barbara Bussey on July 16, 2012 at 7:24 am

      Oh Donnamae, you know I don’t keep any secrets! You’ll hear all about the good, the bad and the ugly! Hope the good outweighs the bad and ugly part though! Thanks for your note!

  5. kim on July 16, 2012 at 5:38 am

    Congrats on the new venture. If things were like they were five years ago I could probably open a shop, too.

    • Barbara Bussey on July 16, 2012 at 7:26 am

      Hi Kim, Yes, I’m going out on a very frail limb here! If I don’t eat too many gummi bears, I hope it will all work out! Thanks for stopping by!

  6. Karena on July 16, 2012 at 6:09 am

    Barbara I am so excited for you! It is so interesting what can happen if we stay open to the possibilities!!

    PS I think you will like my new Giveaway from Royal Design Stencils..

    Art by Karena

    • Barbara Bussey on July 16, 2012 at 7:27 am

      Thanks, Karena! And I love Royal Design’s stencils. They participated in Haven too!

  7. amy kontir on July 16, 2012 at 6:13 am

    FANTASTIC! sounds like the perfect “next step” for you! i can’t wait to see how it unfolds!

    • Barbara Bussey on July 16, 2012 at 7:28 am

      Some day, when you don’t have all those crumb crunchers under foot, and that beautiful new home to move into, you’ll be doing this on the east coast! Thanks, sweets!

  8. Gretchen on July 16, 2012 at 6:48 am

    I couldn’t be happier for you Barbara. I know your store will be fabulous, just like you!

    • Barbara Bussey on July 16, 2012 at 7:33 am

      You’re a doll, Gretchen! ( I was mis-hanging a picture yesterday and thought of you and your husband. If anyone knew where all my nail holes were hidden, they’d get an eye full! Just keeping the house ventilated! And it’s all ok! ). Thanks for always being so supportive!

  9. Shirley@housepitalitydesigns on July 16, 2012 at 8:40 am

    Oh Barbara…I cannot think of a better person for great things to happen to! I really need to try “Miss M’s” paint…so when you get your on-line store for the paint going…I will certainly be one of your first customers!!…I am so happy that you are pursuing your dreams….and Mr. Wonderful being by your side cheering you on!…Having a shop has always been a dream of mine…You go girl!!!!….

    • Barbara Bussey on July 16, 2012 at 9:18 am

      What would I do, without sweet friends like you!? Did you two find a venue for your get-together? Hope it’s coming along well for you!

  10. Lisa@budgetdesigngirl.blogspot.com on July 16, 2012 at 1:11 pm

    So happy for you Barbara! I wish you much success and happiness in your new venture! How wonderful to have such amazing support from friends and your hubby too!

    Can’t wait to try some of her paint. I will be ordering soon!

  11. Debbie Kick on July 16, 2012 at 6:56 pm

    Yeaaaaa! I KNEW you were going to do this sooner or later. I am so happy for you. I know it will be beautiful and its a good location for that kind of store (hope the neighboring office doesn’t bug you much!!) Get some dates (Fri-Suns) on my calendar, I can be your shop slave girl and just do what you tell me to help you get moved in. So happy for you, it will be a great shop. Hugs and much more happiness to you my sweet friend.

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