Come to the Holiday Party

By Barbara Bussey | November 27, 2012 |

Join our Holiday Party Saturday, December 1st, 11 AM – 5 PM Bring a Friend and Toast the Season! Enjoy Refreshments and 25% OFF, on all Christmas Ornaments and Decor! (10% of ALL sales will be donated to the St. John’s Women’s Shelter)    FREE Miss Mustard Seed Milk Paint Workshop, from 4-5 PM! Learn the basics of working with this easy to use furniture paint. RSVP Required for Paint Workshop!   Call 916/514-5272 and leave your name & phone number!   See you at… The Treasured Home 9906 Fair Oaks Blvd, Fair Oaks, CA 95628 (Next door to Bob’s…

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Introducing “Spray Bob”

By Barbara Bussey | November 21, 2012 |

It was a quiet day at The Treasured Home. I think most shoppers were in line at the grocery store and getting ready for family. So, I was able to get some work done. This cute little chest of drawers needed some trim work, distressing and waxing. I also waxed this great little side table and snagged it for our family room! Isn’t she a doll? All thanks to my painting partner, “Spray Bob”! His friends are giving him flack about the “Mr. Wonderful” moniker, even though I know he likes it! It saves a boatload of time for him…

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New at the Shop

By Barbara Bussey | November 20, 2012 |

Will you do me a huge favor? If I am boring you with what’s going on at the shop, will you please tell me? It’s sort of all that I focus on these days. Yes, my daily activities seem to fall into one of the following: 1. Looking for things to sell 2. Painting things to sell 3. Arranging things to sell 4. Selling 5. Not selling 6. Eating 7. Sleeping Wanna be my friend? I’m not terribly interesting, but I mean well! Okay, now that I’ve finished with all that, let’s get back to talking about the shop. Whoops!…

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Mr. Wonderful Cooked Dinner!

By Barbara Bussey | November 18, 2012 |

Greetings dear Blog Sister!, I hope you had a relaxing weekend! God was happy we made it to mass this morning. Now that both parents are gone, the old church doesn’t feel the same. My younger sister used to drive Dad to church and now she doesn’t go. We’ve been visiting other churches, hoping to find a good fit, but so far, no luck. I told Mr. Wonderful I might start the Church of Furniture Painting. Ya think? Things were quiet at the shop until early afternoon, when a neighbor came in and bought my old ladder. My new (old)…

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The Many Gifts of Friendship

By Barbara Bussey | November 15, 2012 |

Hello there, I’m sitting here, at the shop, ready to call it a day soon. Thank my lucky stars, I love it here. While I may be jumping the gun, Patti, Joaquin and PR Director/Friend, Jini, helped me decorate the shop for Christmas, Tuesday night. Mr. Wonderful picked up pizza and we all had a great time. I really attribute the fact that I landed here, in my own shop, to people like Lora Redman, who taught me the ropes, at Veranda Antiques, as well as all the support and inspiration I’ve found amongst my Blog Sisters! You are all…

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The Magic of Cabinet Hardware (and my love for Hobby Lobby)

By Barbara Bussey | November 14, 2012 |

Hello dear friends, Thanks to everyone for your kind words, regarding our “Wonder Dog”. You are all so sweet and your kindness meant the world to me! Yesterday, on my “day off”, I made the trek to Hobby Lobby. I had a long list of things to buy and a trip to Hob-Lob, turns even the worst day into at least a decent day. I checked out their knobs and cabinet pulls and was amazed at the variety and prices. You can’t beat 50% off! Since I had recently painted two end tables, I thought I’d invest $3.99 for two…

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A Tribute to Wonder Dog

By Barbara Bussey | November 12, 2012 |

They don’t get any better, than our Wonder Dog, aka Tyler King. Kind, smart and intuitive. But with a long list of health issues, we just had to let him go to doggy heaven, this morning. It’s one of the hardest things in life to do. But it all comes down to quality of life and chances of recovery. Tyler was fairing poorly in both. But he was one of the very best four legged friends, I’ve ever had the opportunity to love. We all loved Tyler King. He leaves an empty place in our home and hearts! Bless you,…

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Gold Leafing, Anyone?

By Barbara Bussey | November 10, 2012 |

Have you ever thought about gold leafing a piece of furniture that you paint? I hadn’t given it much thought because I had only heard of the mess that it makes when you use gold leaf. Here I am, on my last night in Texas, looking at my sample boards. On this board, I wasn’t crazy about the cracking technique used on the surface of the board but I did love gold leafing effect! I can see all sorts of pieces, where gold leafing would be so wonderful to do! I have all of my sample boards out drying, before…

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Sunday: 12:00-4:00


(916) 514-5272