Replacing a Recessed Light with an Antique Pendant Light March 28, 2012

If you were here for my last post, showing you the fruits of shopping for my spring wardrobe at Target, you might remember that I mentioned that I’d rather buy something new for the home, than a new designer sweater.

That’s me. Everyone sets their priorities differently. There’s no right or wrong. Only a few of us can have everything, so most of us are happy choosing our favorites.

With all of that said, I found a new (antique) pendant light for our home. Mr. Wonderful spent a day or two, figuring out how to convert a recessed light, so it could work with this wonderful light fixture.


I painted a small medallion and Bob installed this beauty last night. I found it at – guess where – Veranda Antiques, of course! It had originally been hung in an office building here in Sacramento, in the early 1900’s. David, one of the other shop keepers at Veranda, found this piece. He also found my wonderful olive jars and our tastes are similar, it seems!

I love recessed lights, but isn’t it nice to have a mix of hanging and recessed lights? With all the gorgeous lighting out there, both new and old, it seems like such a waste to only use recessed ceiling lights!

My camera is over-exposing the gorgeous globe, but be patient. I do have one or two good pictures that show it’s detail.



Isn’t it superb? In my book, it beats a new purse, even! That’s pretty special! Christmas in March! Now, keep in mind, not every project is a huge DIY success! Stay tuned for tomorrow, when I tell you about a project that was a little over my head!

Happiest of Thursday’s to you!,

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  1. Karena on March 29, 2012 at 4:37 am

    The details in the glass are stunning Barbara.A very special find! Thank Mr Wonderful for us as well.

    Art by Karena
    The 2012 Artist Series

  2. Wendi @ Classic Chic Home on March 29, 2012 at 5:31 am

    What a gorgeous pendant light, Barbara. It looks perfect!

  3. barbara on March 29, 2012 at 2:24 pm

    wow-what a transformation. the fixture is really beautiful and looks fabulous in the room!

  4. Diana Kotecki on March 29, 2012 at 8:33 pm

    That is such a beautiful light. How nice that your hubby would be so willing to help. That is a great solution to one of those pesky can lights!

  5. Taylor Greenwalt on March 30, 2012 at 7:24 am

    I love antique lighting. It looks great.

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