Looking Ahead; Personal and Spiritual Growth in the Coming Year December 29, 2015

Thoughts About Spiritual Well-Being


Do you believe in God, or a supreme being?

This may be a surprising and possibly uncomfortable question, posted here, since I am most often writing about the material world, as I know it.

One of the benefits of getting older though, for me, is a better understanding of my spiritual existence.  I have shed most religious rituals, for a stronger relationship with God and my purpose, here on earth.

It’s all sort of like painting a piece of furniture.  Yes, that’s what I said!

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There isn’t just one way, to complete the project.  We all have a process that works for us. Some of us perfect our technique sooner than others.

One person, who has had a big influence on my outlook, has been Dr. Wayne Dyer, one of the original self-help gurus.  I heard him speak a couple of years ago, but since he passed away earlier this year, I have had the chance to read some of his teachings.

He believed that God or as he calls it, the Source, isn’t in some distant heaven, but living in each of us.  It’s up to us, to let his “light” shine through us.   Dr. Dyer also was a huge advocate of positive thought.

If you want to manifest your dreams, you must become a master at monitoring the thoughts and feelings you are aligning yourself with. Your thoughts and feelings become reality, so become adept at observing the thoughts and feelings you are creating for yourself. If you want to elevate your life, then you have to change what you’ve believed to be true, that has landed you, where you are.

 The Four Agreements, by Miguel Ruiz

The second big influencer for me, this year, has been reading The Four Agreement, by Miguel Ruiz. 

Where do I begin?  This book covers a lot of territory, that is still sinking in.  I’ll be finishing the book soon, but will probably need to re-read it once or twice.

The author delves into how we were raised, the roles we were/are expected to play, the power of the message we give ourselves and others. The power of our word, for good and for bad and how we shouldn’t accept other’s beliefs/opinions as our own, or take them personally. Tall order!

Trust me, there’s lots of other “food for thought”.  The author repeats himself, more than necessary, but the message is valuable.

The tag line, under the book’s title, is “A practical guide to personal freedom”.  Personal freedom and power is something we all need to find, protect and hold onto.

Thanks for stopping by.  I hope my thoughts have sparked some interest, or a moment of reflection.

Peace, health and happiness, to you and yours, in the coming year!

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  1. Suzi on December 30, 2015 at 5:41 am

    I love that you brought this topic up. We all need to find our own path, walk it and live it! I’m still trying to figure out my way at age 47! I try and do my best to live a good and peaceful life. I do believe in God and I feel that he will guide me at the times I need guidance. I do not however, hold other peoples belief in their God or disbelief against them. That is not for me to judge. They too will find their way and if ever my assistance is asked for, I shall give it. The topic of spiritual growth should be open and available for those who seek it. So on that note, I thank you for your post!
    Happy New Year to you & yours!

    • Barbara Bussey on December 30, 2015 at 7:52 am

      Thanks for the supportive comments, Suzi! I think curiosity, growth and exploration is one of the best parts of the journey! Take care!

  2. Valerie on December 30, 2015 at 8:02 am

    Great post…..not what I’m used to seeing from you but certainly welcomed! I read The Four Agreements a long time ago and loved it. I think it’s a good time to read it again…..thanks for reminding me of this one! Happy New Year to you!

    • Barbara Bussey on December 30, 2015 at 10:36 pm

      Happy to hear from you, Valerie! All the best in 2016!

  3. shirley@housepitalitydesigns on December 30, 2015 at 5:55 pm

    Loved this post of great thought and reflection….Happy New Year Barbara!!!!

  4. Donnamae on December 30, 2015 at 8:52 pm

    Thank you for writing this post. I think you’ve given me a new book to read. Wishing you a Happy New Year! 😉

    • Barbara Bussey on December 30, 2015 at 10:44 pm

      Hello dear friend, I hope you’ve had a very special Christmas! As always, thanks for stopping by and let me know what you think about the book.

  5. StagerLinda on December 31, 2015 at 4:58 pm

    Lovely words. I’ve been a Wayne Dyer fan since his first book (eons ago). The Four Agreements is also one of my all time favorites. Enjoyed reading this post. Also, LOVE looking at all the treasures in your store. Have a wonderful 2016!

    • Barbara Bussey on January 1, 2016 at 8:22 am

      Thanks for your sweet words! I’m glad to find that so many people have already discovered these two wise authors. Best to you!, Barbara

  6. Debra Madrigal on January 7, 2016 at 6:04 pm

    Hi Barbara,

    I love your blogs and find them insightful.
    I love God and His son, Jesus.
    What ever path leads you to enlightenment is the path that is right for you and your spiritual health.
    One of the best books I have read of late is Can I really trust the Bible by Barry Cooper. Just brilliant.
    Happy New Year,

  7. Mary Cristina on January 27, 2016 at 7:08 am

    Thanks Barbara! This concepts is something I am focusing on as well. Too often I find my thoughts running wild and leaving me with fear, despair or insecurity. I’m done with that. I’m building simplifying my life by my confidence, reigning in my thoughts and practicing kindness and empathy. And to be honest, things are really falling into place…. I don’t know how that happened but the power of positivity is NOT to be ignored!!! I’ll be looking for this book as a reinforcement, thanks again B!

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