Just When You Think You Know What You’re Doing! December 14, 2012

A simple desk. What could be a more straight forward painting project?

I had the piece clean and the MMS Linen all mixed. It was time to get busy. Easy-peazy!

The first coat told me that I could be in for trouble, because I could see old glass rings and who knows what else, peeking through the paint.

After a light sand, I wiped it down with the poor man’s tac cloth and applied a second coat. Then, I turned my attention to the drawer fronts, which I had decided to keep unpainted. I cleaned and oiled them and found some very cool hardware in my stash.

After the second coat of milk paint, strange spots of the past, were still showing through. Maddening! Since I’m always one to travel the path of least resistance, I changed gears and switched to Mason Blanch (chalk based) paint. It will usually cover up lots of sins.

Nope! This morning, there will still spots!

This just reminds me, that when we’re painting furniture with a history, in someone else’s home, we don’t know what the poor thing has been through. Maybe, in this case, they used the desk top, instead of a plate, for their pepperoni pizza!?

So. What next? I opened the windows and attacked this thing with the very stinky Zinzer spray primer!

If this doesn’t do the job, what will??

Stay tuned, for tomorrow’s episode, entitled, “Winning the War Against Spots!”.

As I close my eyes tonight, I wish peace for the little angels and their teachers back east. I’m sure God has his arms wrapped around them. I worry for the survivors and their families. Tragedy at its worst! God bless them all!


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  1. Laura on December 15, 2012 at 2:23 am

    Can’t wait to see how you win the war of the spots.

    My heart is just broken for these families that are left behind to suffer .


  2. Donnamae on December 15, 2012 at 5:56 am

    “War of the spots”…that’s funny! Those spots just have a story to tell Barbara…you have to be a furniture whisperer!! There’s a new title for you! My heart is crying for those children…and their families…there are no words.

    • Barbara Bussey on December 15, 2012 at 7:16 am

      Furniture Whisperer! You may be on to something. I may need to go see one.

  3. Gayle @ Cumming GA Real Estate on December 15, 2012 at 6:31 am

    Interested in seeing how you do it. I’ve thought of taking on a project like this, but have been afraid to do so based on re-staining projects I;ve tried in the past – still traumatized!

    • Barbara Bussey on December 15, 2012 at 7:19 am

      My new mantra is “Just one more coat of paint!”

  4. Karena on December 15, 2012 at 7:27 am

    Barbra…just when you think you are doing everything right! I know it will be beautiful.

    My prayers are with the families so devastated from this tragedy. Those babes are with their angels in heaven.

    2012 Artists Series

  5. Kathryn Cain on December 15, 2012 at 12:56 pm

    Have you every used Zinssers Bulls Eye 123, it is low oder, covers all the What is that..I have started using for a base coat, It is cheaper then ASCP and then I am not wasting my expensive paint….Prayers for the families and community of NewTown and may we see some change in the direction of our county in regards to guns.

  6. Barb @ The Everyday Home on December 18, 2012 at 7:18 am

    Oh boy. I guess this just goes to show that sometimes, the old fashioned stuff is sometimes better. Sorry it gave you such a hassle but it will be a cute piece once (or if) you ever complete it. Can’t wait to see it. xxoo

  7. Shirley@housepitalitydesigns on December 19, 2012 at 4:56 am

    I heard of that happening…would that happen if you used chalk paint rather than milk paint?….I know you will make lemonade out of lemons!

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