Furniture Paint Extravaganza Update! (Prizes Galore!)

By Barbara Bussey | July 7, 2013 |

You have marked your calendar, haven’t you? The incredible Paint Extravaganza, at The Treasured Home, is less than two weeks away! Starting at 10:30, Saturday, July 20th, the first 50 customers will receive a mini paint pot, Free! That’s the same amount provided to students at our furniture painting classes and will paint 2 coats, on a small piece if furniture! Every hour, great raffle prizes will be awarded, for quarts of paint, wax and paint brushes, furniture painting classes and more! There will be painting demonstrations, featuring Old Town Paints, made in Northern California and just $29.99 a quart!…

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Back To Reality (Reflecting on Our 4th of July BBQ)

By Barbara Bussey | July 5, 2013 |

As I drove home from the shop, to pick up the “Bobbing” Tub, I couldn’t help but notice that the car read the outdoor temp as 112! The car’s always a couple of degrees high, but seriously, the heat was ridiculous. You know I love to make silly faces and post them on Facebook! This one certainly qualified! As an icebreaker, I decided to have a bobbing for “apples” game. But since I was too cheap to buy a lug of apples, I went to the dollar store and sliced up one of those “noodles” kids use in the pool.…

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European Grain Sack Stockpile

By Barbara Bussey | July 2, 2013 |

Well, all good things must come to an end. We enjoyed five days at the family’s house at Lake Tahoe and now it’s time to face 106 degrees, back in Sacramento. As you may recall, if you’ve been following along for a while, our dear parents gave this wonderful place to us, before they passed away. I’ve been spending summers here, since I was 16, although the place was rebuilt seven years ago. We did some boating and Mr. Wonderful got lots of compliments on his hat! We also ate ourselves silly, at home and out. This picture below is…

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Biscuit Love!

By Barbara Bussey | June 29, 2013 |

Ladies and Gentlemen, I have found “heaven on earth” and it comes in the form of a buttermilk biscuit. Even at this outer cusp of middle age, (I am going to live to be 116, aren’t I?), I have never made a biscuit, that didn’t come from the refrigerated section of my local market! It’s true! Some of you may be shaking your heads in disbelief. I understand. Today, my world has changed, thanks to my friend, Cleo. This morning, amongst the tall pines and blue skies of Lake Tahoe, she shared her momma’s recipe for these crumpets of delight.…

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Furniture Paint Extravaganza, July 20th

By Barbara Bussey | June 27, 2013 |

There are lots of shops, that have been around, for years longer than The Treasured Home, but none are more passionate about furniture painting! And I’m equally thrilled, to be doing business with a chalk-style furniture paint company, right in our own “back yard”! We promise a fun and informative day, filled with demo’s, prizes for current and future furniture painters, plus barbecued hamburgers, for lunch! Come join us!!

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New at The Treasured Home

By Barbara Bussey | June 26, 2013 |

Well, what a difference a year makes! About this time last year, I was making 4th of July pinwheels and banners. Fortunately, I saved last year’s efforts, since I’ve been painting more than paper crafting. Youse recall that I said “Adios” to Maison Blanche a while back. This was my first project, using “Locally Grown” Old Town Paints! Don’t miss the gold drawer! While nothing feels better than a hand waxed finish, you’ve gotta love polyacrylic, followed by a dark glaze! Check out this sweet vanity stool! It had that curvy business around the edge of the cushion, which I…

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Grain Sack Table Runner

By Barbara Bussey | June 21, 2013 |

How can you not like a grain sack table runner? I got the idea from a customer, who came in to buy a second grain sack. I asked her what she did with them and she said that they make a great table runner! Since the bottom of the sack is seamless, you take your seam ripper and remove the side seams. Voila! This may sound like a walk in the park, but this is not a job for those flimsy, super market seam rippers! The thread is super heavy duty, which probably explains why the bags last forever. Fear…

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Prize Winning Milk Paint Class (and a tip on mixing milk paint without lumps!)

By Barbara Bussey | June 15, 2013 |

What a difference the little details make! If you’ve used milk paint before, following packaged instructions, you’ve ended up with lumpy milk paint. Sure, the lumps can be stirred or mixed out, but one tiny little detail will save you lots of trouble! It’s all about water temp. Warm/hot water = lumpy paint. Cool water = smooth paint! It’s sort of like making gravy, I hear. Flour and hot water create lumpy gravy. Cold water and flour create smooth gravy! Lynn, at today’s class, painted her piece Kitchen Sink and used dark antiquing wax, to seal it! Debra claims she…

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(916) 514-5272