Free Milk Paint Samples: New Colors!

By Barbara Bussey | July 31, 2013 |

Hear ye, year ye! The new Miss Mustard Seed’s Milk Paint Colors, have arrived at The Treasured Home! The next 25 orders received will receive a FREE sample of one of the three new MMS colors, along with Free shipping on orders over $25.00!

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August is Milk Paint Month!

By Barbara Bussey | July 30, 2013 |

I have decided to make August “Milk Paint Month”, here at The Treasured Home! In honor of all my wonderful on line and shop customers, who faithfully purchase milk paint, I’m going to break my chalk addiction and explore the natural wonders of this paint! Being a lazy bum, I love to just pop open the can and get started. But I am a bum no more. Watch and behold, as I tackle my chalk addiction and face the milk. My guru tells me that it’s nothing more than simply breaking an old habit. Starting the month, with a small…

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We Have A Winner!

By Barbara Bussey | July 23, 2013 |

Martha, we have a winner! Thanks to all my local lovelies, who were able to stop by and enjoy the paint party! We were all running around like mad women and I completely forgot to take pictures! Linda, from Lodi, won the 3rd Place Prize, of 1 can of furniture paint, a can of wax, a paint brush and 3 hour furniture painting class…valued at $128! Molly, from Dixon, left happily, with 2 quarts of Old Town Paints, a can of furniture wax, a professional paint brush and a free 3-hour furniture painting class. 🙂 Drum roll, please….! The 1st…

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The Paint Extravaganza Is Today!

By Barbara Bussey | July 19, 2013 |

Are you looking for an addictive hobby that lets you express your creativity? I’m talking about a hobby with no right or wrong. Nothing happens, if you drop a stitch, or a paint brush, for that matter! This is the safe, welcoming world of furniture painting. It’s all about the “what if’s” and the “why not’s?”. With stencils, free hand drawings, decoupage, stripes, glazes and metallics, furniture restoration has been reinvented! Today, The Treasured Home is throwing a party. A Paint Extravaganza! We all know that anything with “extravaganza” in the title is going to be BIG. Today, we will…

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Sunrise at Lake Tahoe

By Barbara Bussey | July 17, 2013 |

I’ve been spending summers in Lake Tahoe for fort-two years! Yet, I think today was my first chance to witness sunrise for myself! Mr. Wonderful rises with the birds, between 4:30 and 5:30 a.m. Usually, I’m proud if I make it out of bed by 6:30 or 7 a.m. I have a real knack at falling back to sleep, after he gets up! Bob has always talked about how great it is to witness the sun rising over the mountains. So, today I joined him! Now, at 5:30 a.m., it’s rather chilly, so I got into proper sunrise viewing attire.…

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Miss Mustard Seed on Vacation

By Barbara Bussey | July 16, 2013 |

When you take a few days off for some old fashioned rest and relaxation, how many of you find a piece if furniture to paint? I mean, how could I ask for a nicer place to meet with my buddy, Miss Mustard Seed? No, I’m not talking about the real-live-Marian, aka Miss Mustard Seed. I’m talking about the wonderful line of milk paint, we sell on- line (free shipping: shameless plug!) and at the shop. This little table was handed down through Bob’s family for generations. It had a number of “battle scars”, though still sweet and sturdy. I decided…

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More European Treasures!

By Barbara Bussey | July 12, 2013 |

I had so much fun on my last buying trip and got such positive customer feedback, that we loaded up the “Burb” again this morning. Mr. Wonderful has three beautiful bottles tucked into the backseat, using seat belts and straps, to keep the kids in place! I told Bob it’s like having three kids in the backseat! I told them no potty breaks or candy! So far, there haven’t been any fights. But with kids, even old kids like these, you just never know what will come next! So for now, we’re enjoying the peace and quiet!

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New at The Treasured Home

By Barbara Bussey | July 8, 2013 |

You’re talking to the one-woman furniture moving service, here at The Treasured Home. (I just returned from the chiropractor!) Mr. Wonderful was no where to be found, yesterday, as I pushed, shoved and lifted! Good thing I’m such a stud at the gym! We all know customers love to see new inventory and displays. The same holds true for me and Patti. We like to keep mixing it up! I changed the entrance around a bit, with the farm table greeting you. Note the new, European glass bottle. Love that blue! Check out the stone pedestal in the center of…

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