Holiday Hours and Our End of the Year Sale

By Barbara Bussey | December 21, 2013 |

Holiday Hours and our Really Big Sale!

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Sip & Shop at The Treasured Home

By Barbara Bussey | December 15, 2013 |

Hello to my local friends and all of you with personal jets! What?! No jet?  Well, don’t fret. You’re not alone! On the 8th day of Christmas, we”ll be spreading some much deserved holiday cheer, at The Treasured Home! Wednesday, December 18th From 5 – 8 p.m. 9906 Fair Oaks Blvd., F.O. (Next door to Bob’s Cycle Shop) Everything in the shop, Will be 20% off!  Patti and I will be at your beck and call, as you finalize (or begin) your Christmas shopping! Just think of us as Santa’s aging elves, as we help you find the perfect gift!

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Amy Howard’s at The Treasured Home

By Barbara Bussey | December 5, 2013 |

The pictures above, were taken in Memphis, at the Amy Howard at Home paint classroom. Here are a few more… Including pieces, painted with her products…. For three full days, we were taught by a master furniture painter, herself. Amy Howard’s company has been making custom, hand made furniture pieces, for high end buyers. We learned all sorts of paint finishes, that I can’t wait to teach you! Remember, no sanding, no priming, no stripping. Just like Annie Sloan? Well, yes and no. Amy Howard’s One-Step Paint doesn’t have to be sealed with wax. It’s already sealed, when the paint…

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Jesuit High School’s Christmas Tree Lane

By Barbara Bussey | December 2, 2013 |

I’ve been rock in’ round the clock lately, getting ready for Christmas Tree Lane at the Red Lion’s Woodlake Inn, tonight and tomorrow, from 8 am until 3! While this is a major fundraiser for the school, you don’t have to have a ticket to check out the Christmas market. I still have some tweeting to do, before the event opens, but I think it’s a fair representation of the shop. Now, if you are a furniture painter, or want to be one, our shelves will finally be full on Friday, since a big shipment is due to arrive on…

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A Grocery Store In Holland

By Barbara Bussey | November 27, 2013 |

I might enjoy grocery shopping more, if the stores I shopped at, looked like this store in Holland! Enjoy the fruits of your labor today! Happy Thanksgiving!

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My best all-time estate sale find!

By Barbara Bussey | November 25, 2013 |

Trust me. I have many more experiences, of finding and purchasing items at estate sales, that I should never have purchased, but did. But on this particular day, about a year ago, I found this French confit pot, and the seller didn’t know what it was. Hark! Normally, if you looked on eBay or in an antique shop, these beautiful pots, that we’re used for preserving food, will run around $300. I bought mine for $15! Oh, joy! This morning, I made a quick run over to the wholesale floral supply, to get ribbon for the shop and to see…

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New Pillows, Made from Vintage Sari’s

By Barbara Bussey | November 23, 2013 |

Greetings! I hope your world is humming along smoothly! Patti and I finished waxing chairs #3 and #4, out of 6, at the shop today. I think we ‘ll both be sleeping well tonight! I recovered the pads in a wheat colored linen and they look great, if I do say so myself! If you’re in the market for a smallish table and chairs, let’s talk! Trish just sent the pillow covers she completed for me, using vintage sari quilts. She did a beautiful job, as usual! I love them paired with the pillows covered in vintage French ticking! L-O-V-E!…

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What Do You Do On Your Day Off?

By Barbara Bussey | November 18, 2013 |

Hello, dearest darling!, You might remember that palmist, Anna Esparza, was enlightening us, at last week’s Open House? Here she is, giving Patti an ear full! Well, when she looked at my hand, she said, Work, work, work! You love to work! She went on to suggest I consider a more balanced lifestyle. (I’ve also heard I should consume 5 fruits and vegetables each day…but that doesn’t mean it happens!) So today, I took Anna’s advice! Mr. Wonderful and I drove to Sausalito, for the day. If you don’t know about Sausalito, it’s a small town, across the bay from…

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