Queen Isabella Stopped By January 12, 2012
Well, I kind of made up the story about Queen Isabella. But it seemed like an appropriate name for the person in my new oil painting, at Veranda.
Isn’t she fun? Certainly can’t miss her! No, I didn’t paint her myself. I found her standing by herself at the Alameda Antique Fair.
I finally found something that holds most of my pillows. It’s a bakers rack and seems to work just great.
I saw this darling Valentines day banner on Etsy. It looked pretty simple to make so I whipped out the sewing machine today and put it together.
Doesn’t it look festive hanging in the window at the shop? (Almost as festive as the dumpster outside the window!) Sorry, these pictures remind me I need to use my “big girl” camera more. The light and picture quality sure outshine the iPhone.
Any-who, I used clothesline rope, burlap and red felt for the hearts. I sewed the burlap onto the rope, and the whole project took less than an hour. My kind of project!
Well, that’s all the excitement around here for now. Put your feet up and enjoy the weekend. That DIY project will still be there tomorrow!
Until we meet again, thanks for being here! I love hearing from you, so be sure to say “hi”!
P.S.: Mr. Wonderful and I are leaving the Wonder Dog at home with one of his best friends, while we head east this week, to explore Florida. We’ll be visiting old friends and I’ll be meeting a new one, in person! Blog friend Jane from Empress of the Eye, who’s the Savenger’s Scavenger. Stay tuned!