Staying dry at The Treasured Home! January 27, 2021

Hello sweetness!,

I took this photo this evening, before leaving the shop.  Most of the lights were off and I find the photos to be prettier in limited light.  I was ready to head out the door and thought I’d better get some new shots to share with you all.

In the back of my mind, I was looking forward to some Dungeness crab, that Mr. Wonderful was able to snag at the market!  If you live on the west coast,  you have hopefully had the opportunity to enjoy crab while it’s fresh.  The season started late this year and supplies are short.

How do you serve your crab?  I learned from my mother, to steam the crab, for about 15-20 minutes.  I like it so much more than served cold…but then there’s nothing better than a crab salad.  Anyway, I like mine with a side of melted butter and lemon juice and Bob likes his with cocktail sauce that he makes, with plenty of horseradish sauce.

This is our fun table.   New specialty t-shirts arrived this week.  I know they’ll go well with our new Democracy jeans and jean jackets, that arrived this week, too!

By the way, I love our new hats!  They’re so cute!  Believe it or not, I just ordered feathers for you to add to your hat band, if you’re a feather kind of girl!

I brought a dark and light wash jacket in.  Sizes S-XL.  I think jean jackets are wardrobe staples, that can be worn just about year round, here in Fair Oaks.

Well, maybe not when we’re having our biggest storm of the season.  Finally some rain!  We take Micah out for a walk, morning and evening.  Usually, we all go out together, but when it’s raining I stay behind, warming up the hair dryer and towels!  Chivalry hasn’t died!

Other new arrivals, include jewelry.  (Sadly, no pictures!) We never have enough!


Oh, baby!  We got a few new baby gift in, with more on the way.  Don’t forget about our books…they’re perfect for toddlers and a great gift!

Can I interest you in a cotton harvester “scoop”?  I’m sure there’s a real name for this very large cone shaped scoop, from Round Top, TX.  I used to have one of them hanging about our fireplace, holding lots of real and faux greenery.  It’s a big guy!  About 52” high!

I’m going back to Round Top at the end of March.  If you haven’t been, you need to add it to your bucket list.  It’s an antique lover’s dream-come-true!  A group of women friends are gathering there, to celebrate friendship and do some shoppng! Sadly, I won’t have a U-Haul truck to load things in, this time, so treasure hunting will be seriously limited!

On Sale!  

Last season’s Democracy Jeans continue to be on sale.  It looks like our larger sizes are still available, in 12, 14’s and 16.  (I think I mentioned that Democracy jeans run a little large, so if you need an excellent pair of jeans, check these out!)  I’m adding new pieces to our sale rack.  Many of our most popular pieces are going on sale, but the size selection is limited.


We’re limiting our class sizes right now, to five or six students.  This Saturday’s Terra Cotta pot class is full.  No worries! It’s one of our most popular classes and will be offered again.  In fact, I need to put our March and April schedule together.  See what’s available, at Here!

Well, chick-a-dee, that’s all from these parts.  Come by and see us, if you have a chance.  Hours are 11:30-4:30, Thursday-Sunday.

Stay dry, safe and be sure to wash your hands!

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Monday: Closed
Tuesday: 10:30-4:00
Wednesday: 10:30-5:00
Thursday: 10:30-6:00
Friday & Saturday: 10:30-5:00
Sunday: 12:00-4:00


(916) 514-5272