San Francisco Weekend July 17, 2011
While I’ll be back in San Francisco later this week, for the Picasso show and “Billy Elliott”, we’re spending the weekend in the city.
Most Saturday mornings here begin at the Ferry Building Farmer’s Market.
Between the MotoRoto (motorized rotisserie truck) the fresh peaches, lavender and flower stalls, the aroma is wonderful.
The Hayes Street Grill puts out some wonderful meals, from a small make-shift kitchen. Grilled salmon and bacon on sour dough toast, anyone?
I also discovered French peas that you can eat raw as a healthy snack!
These little boys at a food stall with their dad were darling.
Bob and Tyler wait patiently while I explore. Dogs are allowed at the parameter of the market but not inside. Tyler has a great time saying hi to all the other pups, out for a stroll with their humans.
Across from the Ferry Building, is a craft fair, open several days a week. Lots of nice hand made crafts and jewelry. While my photo doesn’t do her “store” justice, I told Carrie Saxl, that her “store” won the prize for the nicest display! (bet that made her day!) She’s a creative soul and you can find Carrie Saxl’s pretty things at retail stores in the area or
I hope you’ve had a relaxing weekend!