Phone-less In Raleigh October 11, 2012
What a dope! I left the house without my iPhone! This is like leaving my brain behind. It’s my camera, my email, my WordPress, my Words With Friends my everything! Know what I mean? So, I’m going to improvise, using my first-generation iPad.
I got to the airport, went through the top-notch security system and sat down to use my phone. What? NO phone? How will I cope?!
So since I have no camera, I have relied solely on my artistic talents!
After a brief stop in Denver, I am now in Raleigh, North Carolina, for the SBC!
I’m so excited to be here, but how will I survive without my phone!?
Well, I had better get my beauty sleep. Tomorrow’s a very BIG day!
Well, you must tell me how you blogged from your ipad because I can’t figure it out. See you tonight.
Oh…you are such a HOOT!!!!! Haha! Have fun…learn lots, and tell is all about it when you get home! Do you have iMessage? If you do, use that! Haha…too funny!! 😉
This too funny. I know it would drive me crazy. Have a great time. I wish I could’ve been there.
I think you might find it is kinda fun….no phone to interrupt no phone, you feel you have to answer that email..they will wait..and no phone for pics…a little said..but I know you have friend that will help…plus I love these works of art, I sat back and enjoyed…such depth, such meaning..LOL..but seriously I liked the line drawings….have fun and get inspired…so wish, someday
Hi Kat, it’s been a quick visit and I’m already headed to the airport! Glad I don’t have to travel for a living!
I’m only about 2 hours from Raleigh – so wish we had time to visit. Can’t wait to hear all about the conference!!
I wish I could stay longer and see the area. They’re doing a thriftiness tour tomorrow, which I really hate to miss! Unfounded treasures!