Painting Shop Cabinets, Day 3 September 16, 2012

Can you get carpal tunnel syndrome from painting? Or is this simply old age? I’m sticking with carpal tunnel syndrome. Sounds much more exotic!

The shop looks more like a chemistry lab than an antique shop. Hopefully this will pass.

Over the weekend, I painted the doors and drawers of the cabinets with a new brand of chalk paint. It’s called Maison Blanche and it comes from guess where? You guessed it! The U.K.! I think that making paint is all they do over there! No?

I tested out the clear and dark wax application on the inside of one of the cupboard doors. (door on left) This way, if I didn’t like it, I could go to plan B. I found the paint worked very much like Annie Sloan’s product. The coverage is excellent! I used less than 2 quarts to do the entire set of cabinets!

Tomorrow, I’ll be back to waxing. Once finished, I’m going to treat myself to a mani- pedi. My hands look like they fought in a fight, and lost!

Stay tuned, for more important updates! News at eleven!

Yours truly,

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  1. Ricki Jill Treleaven on September 17, 2012 at 4:32 am

    I am still afraid to try chalk paint of any kind. But I really don’t have a project around here to use it on, and we don’t have any room for any more furniture…we are bursting at the seams in this small house!

    Painting the doors looks like very hard work. You deserve a mani with a pedi thrown in for your hard work!

    Ricki Jill

    • Barbara Bussey on September 17, 2012 at 7:09 am

      If you’re going to paint, chalk paint is probably one of the simplest to use. It can be a bit habit forming and you’d be looking around your house for the next paint project! By the way, the cabinets aren’t really hard to do, because of all the straight lines. Just time consuming, because of the quantity. I used a mini roller, which made it faster. I just won’t have the brush strokes, that create nooks and crannies for the wax to go into, which many like.

      Thanks for saying “hi” Ricki Jill!,

  2. Donnamae on September 17, 2012 at 4:45 am

    The cabinets look great…worth all the hard work. And, we don’t get older, we get better, so it’s definitely carpel tunnel! Enjoy your mani-pedi! 😉

  3. Sharon on September 17, 2012 at 5:51 am

    Very nice, and inspiring. I, too, am unsure about chalk paint. But I do have an entire kitchen that needs freshening up from the 70 s. We have been updating the house we inherited from my Mother house
    2006, from the new yards to new roof, a/c, ceilings, floors, etc.

    The color you have on your store cabinets is beautiful, which company are you using and what company?

    • Barbara Bussey on September 17, 2012 at 7:18 am

      Hi Sharon,
      I used “Franciscan Grey” by Maison Blanche. ( What a wonderful gift to be given, even with all the hard work attached! I’m sure your mother is “smiling”, to see all the TLC you’ve given the home!

  4. Barb @ The Everyday Home on September 17, 2012 at 7:11 am

    Yes, carpal tunnel *does* sound much better and I am sure that is what it is. I will stick to that story too. 🙂 The cabinets look great and once your shop is together I know it will be all worth the effort. I can’t wait to see what you have in store.

    • Barbara Bussey on September 17, 2012 at 7:24 am

      Thanks, Barb! Everyone’s support is so great! Makes me feel like I’m not going at this totally alone! 🙂

  5. Martha on September 17, 2012 at 6:12 pm

    The color you chose is beautiful! I’m just so anxious to try chalk paint!!!
    Is there a reason you didn’t use the Annie Sloan product? I’m checking out as much as possible on the Internet about chalk paint. I have a question though…Do you need to do much prep work if the piece is already painted and not just bare wood?
    For example, I have wood dining chairs that have been painted black, I would like to paint them with chalk paint, maybe the Coco color, however, I’m not sure if I need to sand the black paint first. What would you do?

    • Kathryn Cain on September 20, 2012 at 7:02 pm

      You will love the chalk paint,the black paint may take a couple of coats of paint….but CoCo is a good color,for coverage…prep work nope !reason to use chalk paint….clean the chairs…and then start painting…Put a nail in the bottom of the legs so you can paint all the way to the bottom of each leg. Chalk paint is so simply…if you are going to distress wax first…the paint comes off very fine.

      • Barbara Bussey on September 20, 2012 at 9:18 pm

        Good idea on the nails in the chair legs!

  6. Shirley@housepitalitydesigns on September 19, 2012 at 1:43 pm

    The cabinets look great…and you get to meet Annie of Maison Blanche Chalk paint at the conference next month!!….Can’t wait to try her paint!

  7. Kathryn Cain on September 20, 2012 at 7:15 pm

    I love the color and will have to try some of their paint….you are one busy crazy painting lady…..enjoy your pedi….and a massage would be great too….for those achy shoulders….O thats me….I went to see my Mom and Sis…So a little Colo. a little Wyo and a little So Dak. them back to Texas….from my sis’s house in Wyo to my driveway in Tx. 1166 miles on way….and a total of 2923 miles in 9 days….now I need to work on my blog…..I know you are going to be so successful…

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