Let’s go to Provence, this fall! January 27, 2025

Bon jour!
You may have read last week’s note about a vintage shopping tour, in Provence, this coming fall.
Of course, we’ll do more than just shop, but let’s find out more!
Jill, our guide, whom I traveled with many times, spends winters in Sacramento, would like to tell you more.
If you’re up for a wonderful adventure, late September or early October, let’s get together at the shop, next Thursday, February 6th at 4 p.m.
We’ll have an informal “meet and greet” and provide more details for you to consider.
The best part is that we’ll travel in a small group of just 8 women. It’s the only way to go!
The two dates we’re looking at are 9/24-9/30, or 10/1-10/7. It’s always a good idea to arrive a day early if you can, to rest up and get settled. So, look at your calendar and see if this will work for you.
If you can join us, let me know. If the date doesn’t work but you’d like more info, let me know about that as well. Just hit the Reply button. Easy peezy!
I’ll check in with you later this week and tell you what’s happening at the shop.
Until then, take care!,
XO, Barbara