8 Things You Might Not Know About Me February 6, 2012

Greetings dear friend!,

Today is one for the blog history books! At least my own personal blog history book! Everyone has one, don’t they? No? Well, I’m excited to be launching the first installment, of my first-ever blog series, entitled…


Pretty fun, huh? There will be 8 weekly installments, written by 8 of us. These are women I’ve been following for quite a while; all of whom I’d like to know better. I’m talking about the real life joys and challenges, woven through our daily lives. By the way, I had to laugh, when coming up with the series title, because, no doubt, there will be some of you that will say to yourself, “Am I really interested?”. For the rest of you, here goes!

1. Being a mom has always been my favorite, most challenging job in life. I never knew that the early years would be so hard and wondered how my mom ever handled having five of us. I didn’t marry until I was 32 and had my son, when I was 34, followed by my daughter at 37. I’ve learned so much from them, including the potential for love and the need for humility.







2. Mr. Wonderful is my second and last husband. We recently celebrated our 13th anniversary! After a challenged six year first marriage that ended in divorce, with a one and a half and four and a half in tow, I spent five years, “finding myself” and navigating life as a solo parent. Just about the moment I’d given up on finding “true love”, along came Mr. Right, aka “Mr. Wonderful”! He put a big smile on my face and more love in my heart. The kids weren’t too sure about someone upsetting their apple cart, but it all worked out.



3. We’ve lived in our home for ten years, the longest I’ve lived anywhere! My dad was an Air Force officer, so I was born in Japan and moved every two or three years, until I was twelve and he went to work in the business world. To this day, I love moving into a new house and putting my “stamp”on it!


4. I’m the middle of four girls and one boy. My siblings and I are well into middle age, hanging on for dear life!, and we still live pretty close to one another. We were raised in a very competitive family environment, but now that both our parents are gone, there’s no need to continue that foolishness. We were also raised Carholic, which I still practice today. For me, it’s more about my ever-growing relationship with God than a religion. He offers me a wonderful, supportive foundation in my life, that I can’t imagine being without.

5. While I have close friends that I interact easily with, I’m more of an introvert than an extrovert. If you put me in a room full of people, I’d immediately look for the one person I know. I love time with good friends, yet I’m very content, keeping busy all day on projects, by myself. Don’t get me wrong. Life is still richer with connections, which is why so many of us value our connections through blogging. I know I certainly do!

6. My daughter is gay and fabulous. Like many of my conservative friends, I used to think that marriage should only be between a man and a woman. Then, last year, she shared the news with us. (we weren’t terribly surprised, by the way.) now, there’s a new “spin” on this political “hot spot”. Now, it’s personal. I don’t care if they call it marriage, but a gay person’s commitments should be just a valid as a heterosexual couple’s commitment. As they say, “until you walk in their shoes…”.

7. I’m ambitious, hard working and competitive. I’m always striving to grow and improve as a businesswoman, creative soul and human being. I’m “down to earth” and my friend says that I “say what she thinks!”, if you get my drift.

8. I’m afraid of old age. While I’m blessed with good health, the prospect of looking old has put me in the hands of a plastic surgeon once or twice. I’m sure there’s more of that fun in my future! And the thought of being dependent on others or facing pain on a daily basis, as my parents did, seems unthinkable. It all reminds me to enjoy my “golden years”…right here, right now!

20120206-144626.jpg (With my sisters in Baja, Mexico, last November)

Well, there you have it. No mafia members in the family, or bodies buried in the back yard, but I hope you feel like you know me just a little bit better, even across all the miles!


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  1. Jane on February 7, 2012 at 3:18 am

    How great is this?

  2. Tami Fandrei on February 7, 2012 at 6:49 am

    I love this post. I am really enjoying your blog. Are you at Veranda today? I’m going to try to stop by after a color consultation and paint delivery. I would really love to meet the amazing person behind these posts!

    • Barbara Bussey on February 7, 2012 at 7:24 am

      Hello Tami,
      I live just a mile from Veranda so let me know! The shop is only open Thursday through Sunday. I’d love to meet you as well!

  3. classic • casual • home on February 7, 2012 at 8:26 am

    Now I like you even more! What a beautiful family.

  4. Sherri on February 7, 2012 at 6:56 pm

    Hi Barbara, just found your blog (from a comment you made on Marianne’s blog today (Style for Living) and now I feel like I know you – I LOVED this post. I perused through a few of your posts and you remind me a lot of myself. Loved that you posted the quote “I can’t do it all” – I have that framed in my office, hahha. I appreciated what you said about your kids, your daughter, your faith. I loved your transparency. Just wanted to say ‘hi’ and thanks for the nice comment.

    • Barbara Bussey on February 7, 2012 at 7:22 pm

      You are so sweet! I’ve met so many wonderful people in this forum. People that I’d love to have over, sit on the couch and talk for hours. It’s such a wonderful way to connect and has been really rewarding for me. Come to Sacramento!!

  5. amy kontir on February 14, 2012 at 4:09 am

    can you believe my husband will be in sacramento next week for business? nope, not even a slim chance i’ll squeeze into his suitcase.

    i know these posts aren’t the easiest to write but i LOVED reading it!

  6. Regina i on March 7, 2013 at 6:15 pm

    I have visited “The Treasured Home” I believe the first month of your grand opening and was quite bummed that I missed you. I have to say that I loved everything that you have done with the place. I am on your online mailing list and have kept up with every announcement of your painting classes however just have not been able to clear my schedule to take in a class. I promise you that I will be in soon though. Thrilled to get to know you through your blog. Can’t wait to finally meet you in person! Excited to see what new treasures you’ve brought in! Oh! Thank you for bringing in “Treasures” on this side of Fair Oaks! It’s great to see and to have!

    • Barbara Bussey on March 7, 2013 at 6:59 pm

      Hi Regina!
      Thanks for your sweet note! I was probably at a furniture painting class when you dropped by. Better be there next time. Cheers!,

  7. Sherri on May 9, 2013 at 9:52 pm

    Barbara, I enjoyed reading about you and your life. You made me smile, I especially loved the growing older. In life that is one thing that scares the heck out of me and I am all about plastic surgery. I love your outlook on life, and look forward to reading more of your blogs. Have a Happy Mothers Day.

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