Do you have a room in your house that doesn’t feel finished? For me, that would be our living room. I have been wanting for it to be more comfortable. So, I replaced a glass topped coffee table, with an antique Chinese chest. I wanted something you could put your feet up on. The antique chest missed the mark. It’s now sitting comfortably in the rarely used den. So, low and behold, I found a wonderful, round, vintage coffee table, recently. It had a shiny, butter yellow paint job, that needed to go bye-bye. But, check out those legs! Nice,…
Read the rest >>Hello good looking! I know how busy you are and how your calendar fills up, pretty darn fast! So, I’m attempting to get on your “dance card”! (No, I’m not old enough to have ever had a dance card. Almost, but not quite.) We’ll be hosting our spring “Meet the Artists” event, and I can’t wait! Thanks to a neighbor who knows Sausalito artists, Jarl Forsman and Steve Sekhon, they’ll be presenting their wonderfully colorful, abstract artwork, at The Treasured Home, Thursday, May 16th, from 6-9 p.m. I’ve put in an order for a lovely, warm spring evening, good wine,…
Read the rest >>Well, it all started when I got these sweet blue-and-white china plates. I found them last weekend at an estate sale, for two dollars each. Then, yesterday, I was at Trader Joe’s, And found these darling topiaries, for $6.99 each! By the way I sell the crusty urns (reproduction) at the shop. As you can see, these guys are still in their plastic pots, but hopefully they will find something more suitable to sit in, soon! So, if you love topiaries as much as I love topiaries, head on over to your nearest trader Joe’s! May the shopping angels watch…
Read the rest >>They say it isn’t nice to fool Mother Nature. But, I have a new table top, that Mr. Wonderful made, to go on an old, wonderful table base, so I’ve got to fake it! Micki Coles, at Great Walls Supply, on the east coast, is another MMS Milk Paint retailer, in Charlotte, North Carolina. She answered my plea, for a formula to create a driftwood looking wood finish. Micki suggests 3 1/2 parts water, to 1 part Typewriter, to create a “wash”. Paint the “wash” onto your wood and then wipe off the excess paint, just staining the wood. Follow…
Read the rest >>Is anyone buying furniture? Beautifully restored and/or painted antiques? I’d love to sell my lovely pieces because I have to make room for the pieces, waiting in the wings, aka storage and garage! The only conclusion I can make is that my prices aren’t low enough. So, I’ve lowered most furniture in the shop, by at least 10%. This pretty dresser, in Miss Mustard Seed’s Shutter Grey, has been lowered to $260. This dresser with the original beveled mirror and barley twist legs, has been lowered too. I made a huge reduction on this solid wood, 6′ antique walnut farm…
Read the rest >>Greetings! I wish you all lived next door and could join me at The Treasured Home, for painting classes! If you are in the Sacramento area, there’s no time like the present, to begin your addiction to furniture painting! I can’t get enough! Ill be attending an in-depth, full day class, in Sonoma, next month. I’ll look forward to sharing what I learn! I’ve changed a few things around, for the April calendar and added a BYOB furniture painting party, mid month. Any takers? The introductory class prices have come to an end, but I guarantee you’ll get your money’s…
Read the rest >>My small tribe of scavengers, set off for the darling town of Lincoln, this morning, in search of treasures. We had heard about the Gypsy Chic Vintage Market, in downtown Lincoln. Nancy, the owner, refers to it as a monthly “pop-up” antique show, that’s open one long weekend (4 days) a month! There are about twenty vendors that share the space. What a fabulous idea! It’s in a cool old building, on the main drag in Lincoln. If you are not familiar with Lincoln, it’s a small town with a vibrant downtown area, and it reminds me of Mayberry! I…
Read the rest >>Hello Darling! (I hope it’s OK that I call you “darling”, since I call most everyone “darling” or “sweetheart”!) For some reason, it bugs me when someone, particularly a man, other than Mr. Wonderful, calls me “honey”, so go figure! Are you too young to remember Loretta Young? I think she called people “darling”! I was about six, when her show would come on. If memory serves me right, she wore circular skirts and would twirl around, at the shows entrance. Of course, I tried to copy her! But, again, I digress! The brains behind my blog, Ann Marie, created…
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