Ivan, the Restored Ice Box, Has Arrived!

By Barbara Bussey | September 8, 2014 |

Let me make the introductions! Meet Ivan. The Manly-Man…errr, The Ice Box. Age: Unknown. Probably born somewhere between the mid 1800’s, and 1930, when electric units, put the likes of Ivan, out of circulation. The women cried! Ivan, most likely, lived in on the right side of the tracks, where fine ice boxes were made of oak, with the best brass hardware. He was known to give regular guys, the cold shoulder. But, have no fear…he could keep his cool. Ivan’s what we would call a “Renaissance Man”. He has learned to adjust to the times and take change in…

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Tahoe Restoration Update

By Barbara Bussey | September 6, 2014 |

It’s a beautiful almost fall morning, at the lake. I’m sitting in bed, having my second or third cup of coffee, visiting my friends, in blog-land. Mr. Wonderful has been up since the crack of dawn, as usual. We’ve had a wonderful summer, getting a feel for the place. The kids were able to visit and a few friends got to see the place, in its wall papered glory! Now, things are starting to happen! The exterior is in need of a new coat of paint, so Pat, the painter arrives today, to start the prep work. What a job!…

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Works In Progress

By Barbara Bussey | August 28, 2014 |

What a week! We’ve been busy and I want to share just a few projects we’re working on. This bistro table used to be a cherry finish, that has been updated, using Amy Howard’s Graphite One Step paint. One of my top favorites! The three pieces, including the stools, painted in Linen and recovered, in a grain sack style fabric, are now in the front of the shop, to greet visitors. I wish I had been thoughtful enough to photograph the before version! Have you ever seen a cobbler’s rack? This is turn of the century goodness that could be…

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Closet Clean Up

By Barbara Bussey | August 25, 2014 |

Getting Ready for Fall We returned home late last night from New York. The older I get, the longer it takes for me to recover from the coast to coast trip. I took it slow this morning and it felt wonderful! One of the cardinal rules of blogging is to put your glamour shot at the top of the blog. What do you think? Does this qualify? I don’t know about you, but if my life isn’t in order, my eye starts twitching and I want to kick something! So for my own good and the health and well being…

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Dining in Manhattan

By Barbara Bussey | August 21, 2014 |

One thing that Mr. Wonderful and I are really good at, is eating! Today was no exception. We had a really enjoyable lunch, in New York City’s Meat Packing District, at The Standard Grill. It’s on Washington Street and has indoor and outdoor dining, which is covered with greenery, with fans whirling, to keep us cool. I had the steak salad… …which was outstanding. Bob, who usually orders the best selections on the menu, was happy with his brisket sandwich, but I think he was secretly coveting my lunch! If you ever go, do not order anything with bread, because…

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New at The Treasured Home

By Barbara Bussey | August 17, 2014 |

After a relaxing morning at home, I headed to the shop. I made a stop along the way, at a friend, who’s been leasing antique shop space, but doesn’t have the time to commit to the project. So, she’s liquidating her treasures, and I scored a few beauties! It will take a little while for the big boys to arrive, but I’m looking forward to their arrivals! One of the most unusual, is a rack on wheels, used in a meat packing plant. It comes complete with hooks and will be perfect with a nice slab of marble on top.…

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While I’m Gone

By Barbara Bussey | August 17, 2014 |

Many of you know that my daughter’s at West Point. That’s the Army’s Military Academy in New York. This is a picture of us, from a couple of years ago. We were staying in Manhattan for a couple of days, before heading up to the campus to see her. She’s now wearing her hair longer, but I love this picture. She took the train into town, for the day, with a friend and surprised me for my birthday! Andrew, my oldest, (in the center) was in the Navy and got out, just a few months ago. He’s over in Scotland…

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Catching Up

By Barbara Bussey | August 16, 2014 |

Whenever I take on a new project, I sometimes go a little hog wild! That certainly happened, when I opened The Treasured Home, almost two years ago! Don’t get me wrong. I love the place. I’m at peace there. But, there’s always a price to pay, when one thing in your life screams for attention, on a daily basis! Yesterday, I took some time for the house…and me. The poor thing has been neglected. Need any fresh herbs? No? Can’t say I blame you! I tackled the spider webs, that were hell-bent on taking over the place. I won the…

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