The San Francisco International Gift Show

By Barbara Bussey | August 5, 2012 |

I had a blast, at today’s San Francisco International Gift Show. I’m looking for a few things I can “sprinkle” through the vintage and antique pieces of my new store. An Asian importer has done a great job, painting pieces in colors pleasing to Western eyes. How about surplus Army satchels and vintage medic bags? I love this beautiful iron flag holder. If I had a grandchild, this is where we’d party! We’ll wrap up our visit tomorrow! Wish us well, as we try to “roll the dice” determining what buyers might like this winter!

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Creating a Personalized Wedding Card

By Barbara Bussey | August 4, 2012 |

This afternoon, a dear young couple we’e known for a while, are getting married! Heather and Joaquin! Woot! Woot! Having asked the appropriate probing questions, it sounded like money would make the best gift. So, rather than just going to the card shop and dropping a check inside, I wanted to make it a little more special. Their invitation was a piece of art, in itself, so I took it apart and incorporated pieces of it in to their wedding card. I wish I would’ve taken a picture of the original invitation, because it was so pretty! I started with…

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Our Two Week Anniversary (Blog Sisterhood Growing!)

By Barbara Bussey | August 2, 2012 |

Hello Sisters! Just two weeks ago, Blog Sisters from the United States and Canada started signing up, taking the pledge and being counted! Since then, I’ve nearly jumped out of my skin, in happiness, when visiting a blog and finding a Blog Sister button, sitting pretty, right there on the side bar! If you haven’t been back since we first “rolled out the red carpet” for all of you, you’re invited back for a look-see. Members are arranged by state and the events calendar should be up and running before long! You know I’ll keep you posted! Have a splendid…

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Just In Case…

By Barbara Bussey | July 31, 2012 |

I know it’s been a little quiet, here at the Treasured Home. But, just in case you’re wondering what’s been going on here, I wanted to share our upcoming spread, for House Beautiful! No? You don’t believe me?! Wouldn’t that have been nice!? When the time came to bring everything downstairs, for the upstairs flooring installation, all attempts at organization went out the window. In fact, I could have thrown all of our clothing out the window and It would be in no worse shape than it is right now. I had originally intended to buy those rolling clothes racks,…

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The Gift of Lake Tahoe (Thanks Mom & Dad)

By Barbara Bussey | July 29, 2012 |

Forty-two years ago, my Mom and Dad found their second home at Lake Tahoe. Back in 1970, you could buy a lake view home, for “peanuts”, by today’s standards. While my two older sisters were off to college, my younger sister, brother and I, would spend every other week up here, with our parents joining us for the weekends. Back then, it was a little 950 square foot home with a big stone fireplace and a beamed ceiling. Our kids grew up here. There’ve been good times and bad, but I focus on the good. It’s all a part of…

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Love This Color!! (Miss Mustard Seed’s Shutter Grey)

By Barbara Bussey | July 26, 2012 |

I found this beautiful antique dresser on Craig’s List. I removed the mirror and drawers, but you can see the gorgeous lines of the piece. I’ve been looking for just the right piece to take my maiden MMS Milk Paint voyage with and I think this is a great candidate. I could have added an additive to keep the paint from distressing, but I decided to go au natural and let it distress to its heart’s content! Best of all, the color, Shutter Grey, is so pretty! I can hardly stand it, I love it that much! I know I…

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Hot Mess At Home (Installing Hardwood Floors Upstairs)

By Barbara Bussey | July 25, 2012 |

Most of us have heard the term “hot mess”. At first I thought it referred to a pile of you-know-what at a dairy farm, but according to the Urban Dictionary, this is what they say: “When a situation or ones thoughts or appearance are in a state of disarray but they maintain an undeniable attractiveness or beauty.” Mind you, I am not complaining, because I was the instigator for this project. You would have thought I was lobbyist for the Hardwood Flooring Association! (if there is one) Last night, I returned home, from a wild and crazy gathering with my…

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Skirted Vintage Furniture

By Barbara Bussey | July 22, 2012 |

While visiting Aunt Jewell and family, in St. Charles, Illinois, we stopped in a favorite shop, in Geneva. It’s called Artemisia, and they have a wonderful mix of products, both old and new. I noticed two pieces of furniture, dressers actually, with ticking and burlap skirts. I don’t know how practical they are, but they sure are cute! I think it would be a great option for open shelving. It went into my mental idea file to use down the road. I also thought that these baskets, converted into hanging lights, were pretty cool as well. I liked the galvanized…

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