April Class Schedule March 27, 2013
I wish you all lived next door and could join me at The Treasured Home, for painting classes!
If you are in the Sacramento area, there’s no time like the present, to begin your addiction to furniture painting!
I can’t get enough! Ill be attending an in-depth, full day class, in Sonoma, next month. I’ll look forward to sharing what I learn!
I’ve changed a few things around, for the April calendar and added a BYOB furniture painting party, mid month. Any takers?
The introductory class prices have come to an end, but I guarantee you’ll get your money’s worth! Really!
Hope to see you soon!
- 3-Hour Miss Mustard Seed Milk Paint Furniture Class (April 13 at 11am)
- Introductory 1-Hour Maison Blanche Chalk-Based Furniture Painting Class (April 16 at 11am)
- Introductory Furniture Painting 1-Hour Miss Mustard Seed’s Milk Paint Class (April16 at 1:30pm)
- New! B.Y.O.B Paint Night! Thursday (April 18th, 6-8:30 p.m)
- 3-Hour Maison Blanche Chalk-Based Furniture Painting Class (April 27 at 11am)
- Introductory 1-Hour Maison Blanche Chalk-Based Furniture Painting Class (April 30 at 11am)
- Introductory Furniture Painting 1-Hour Miss Mustard Seed’s Milk Paint Class (April 30 at 1:30pm)
See description and pricing on the Upcoming Classes Page
Hey let me know if you need any help for any of these. I’m good at sitting behind the desk!! PS: photos of Andrew look great. Hope you can see him soon!! Happy Easter.
Thanks so much!!
Yeah, well, that neighbor thing…me too! Have a great weekend my friend! 😉
It’s going to be a quiet Easter, I think. That’s just fine with me. Blessings to you and the family!