Antique Show in Stuart, Florida & More January 16, 2012

What do you do, on vacation in Florida? Why, go to an antique show and flea market, of course!

Yesterday was cold and grey, here at the beach, but today is beautiful, even know it’s pretty breezy. Before heading out to the flea market, we toward the beach, pool and Mr. Wonderful’s favorite, the barbecue. This would be a great meet place up with the kids!
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On the way to the flea market, we found an antique fair! This lovely woman was “holding court “at her booth, wearing a fur pelt coat! She asked me how old I thought she was. Don’t you just hate it, when people ask you that? Of course, you always want to guess low, so I said 60. She said I was 10 years too low. She’s holding it together, she said. I told her we were all trying!

I found this darling cart from the 50s, but the dealer was so grumpy that I wouldn’t have bought it if a) I had the money, or b) had a way to get it home!

I did buy some packable goodies from some nice people, including this mid-century West Virginia glass. I love all the colors and I’m going to display them on a new window shelf, at the shop, to catch the light.



Fenton glass, anyone? While I love anything to do with dogs, like this doorstop…

My favorite purchase of the day, was this old doorstop with two birds.

Last of all, we visited the local flea market. On a scale of 0 to 10, I’d give it at two, only because of the wonderful Mexican food and kettle corn!

On the way out, Bob thought he looked so good in front of this golf cart, he considered taking up golf again!

But then he wouldn’t be able to use his favorite line, “I mastered golf years ago and have moved on to something more challenging. “And then when leading the market, I had to get a photo of these signs…for the discriminating buyer!

I don’t know how tomorrow could surpass today, but stay tuned!

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