We Have A Winner! July 23, 2013

Martha, we have a winner!

Thanks to all my local lovelies, who were able to stop by and enjoy the paint party! We were all running around like mad women and I completely forgot to take pictures!

Linda, from Lodi, won the 3rd Place Prize, of 1 can of furniture paint, a can of wax, a paint brush and 3 hour furniture painting class…valued at $128!

Molly, from Dixon, left happily, with 2 quarts of Old Town Paints, a can of furniture wax, a professional paint brush and a free 3-hour furniture painting class. 🙂

Drum roll, please….!

The 1st Place Prize Winner, is Nicole Pascual! She will be picking her choice of 4 quarts of Old Town Paints, a small wax brush, a can of our super-duper furniture wax and a 3 hour furniture painting class….valued at $233!
Speaking of furniture painting, I’m a big fan of a new finish system. I told some of you, that I would let you know when the poly acrylic and dark glaze arrived and it’s here!

See the sheen on this desk? That’s poly acrylic. This is the satin sheen and soon, we’ll have a flat finish, as seen on this piece I just finished.


Isn’t she pretty? $225 The best news is that it’s at least twice as protective as wax and all you do is brush it on! Sorry, no buffing, or uneven sheen or streaks you can sometimes get with wax. My apologies! Go ahead. Hate me!

Do you want to become a milk paint expert? Join us Saturday, for lunch and a 3 +/- hour paint fest! ($65.00) All you need to bring is a quality 2″ paint brush, or buy one at the shop, for $6.95. Call 916/514-5272, to reserve your spot at our 11 a.m. class!

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  1. Linda on July 24, 2013 at 6:30 am

    Wow, the poly acrylic sounds great! Is that made by Old Town?
    And is it good for both chalk & milk paint?
    Thanks 🙂

    • Barbara Bussey on July 24, 2013 at 7:13 am

      Hi Linda,
      Yes, the Poly is from Old Town and you can use it on both milk and chalk paints. In fact, if you have a chippy milk paint piece and you don’t want it to chip more, you just use the poly to seal it. i think you’d like it! You can try that instead of the wax, when you pick up your prize, if you’d like.

  2. Marcie on July 24, 2013 at 6:33 am

    Hey there Miss Barb
    I saw Bobbie & Frankie yesterday and they said your Paint Extravaganza went awesome!! So happy for you but I gotta say I wasn’t surprised! I knew it would be a huge success! I’m sure you were exhausted but….next day rolls around and you’re back at it…barley taking a breath I’m sure!!
    : )

    • Barbara Bussey on July 24, 2013 at 7:11 am

      You’re so sweet, Marcie! And how great is it that Bobby and Frankie are still making deliveries to us! Love those guys! Saturday was a great day! Every time I can get new people in to the shop, I’m happy! I also had a new black and white banner, (easier to read) for our front lawn, saying that we have chalk and milk paint and offer classes. I think that’s helping get the word out as well. By now you’ve already worked out. I go in a few minutes. Gotta keep moving!!

  3. MarkCruz on July 31, 2013 at 4:10 am

    It’s really awesome. You have done really hard work on it to rebirth this furniture. And really nice and unique idea of use poly acrylic. Thanks for share…

  4. TalonMarrquezq on September 19, 2013 at 11:44 pm

    You are awesome Marth…painting is a really art of mind

  5. NoahColeman on October 21, 2013 at 3:12 am

    yes.. furniture paintings are best way to creating it’s new look

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