“Vegetables from an Italian Garden”, at Costco May 3, 2012

I’m one of those people that tends to read the cookbook for enjoyment more than to actually create a meal. I don’t know about you but I have oodles of cookbooks, that I hardly ever open. I’m hoping that my newest acquisition, Vegetables from an Italian Garden will be a more hands-on cookbook for me.

It’s kind of strange but I don’t see an author for the book. It seems to be sort of a publisher group effort. But what’s neat about it is that it’s recipes are arranged by season. They stress the value of using local, seasonal vegetables that don’t need to be shipped in from Chile. I’m sure the quality is better and it’s better for the environment.

In case you can’t figure it out, by what you see at your local farmers market, there’s a growth chart by season showing you what’s available typically.

Another nice feature is that the recipes are arranged by season. And the pictures are quite beautiful too.

There are even tips for growing your own seasonal vegetables, and what to look for when you’re purchasing them at the market.

This white beans and asparagus salad looks pretty yummy. But then anything with asparagus sounds yummy to me!

You’ll be the first to know, if I actually break out the cutting board anytime soon! I’ll keep you posted.

Speaking of cutting boards, I have a new favorite antique shop (next to Veranda of course! ) that I found downtown yesterday called Le Jardin. It’s on 21st St. just south of Broadway. Linda, the owner, is delightful! There were thousands of things I could have bought, but I left with just this cutting board.

It’s probably about as close as I’ll ever get, to having Carrera marble countertops. I think it’s large enough to make my first batch of homemade pasta doe! Tomorrow, maybe??

Until next time, happy cooking!



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  1. Gretchen on May 3, 2012 at 4:53 pm

    Barbara, I do the same thing with cookbooks. I get all excited when I get a new one and then I’m lucky if I cook one thing from it. Of course now you are Italy inspired. Your new cutting board is almost too pretty to use and I love your blue and white porcelain beside it. I’ve always wanted Carrera marble in my kitchen but I won’t get it either.


  2. Shirley@housepitalitydesigns on May 4, 2012 at 5:48 am

    Barbara…love gazing at the books at Costco!…I saw these wonderful faux Carrerra marble countertops at IKEA…they are made of quartz and they look marvelous…I would love to put it on my island!…I was pleasantly surprised on how beautiful they looked and the great part is that is is more durable, stain resistant, etc….

    Have a great weekend…

  3. Diana Kotecki on May 4, 2012 at 6:07 am

    Good morning Barbara, I also have a million cookbooks that hardly ever get opened, especially now with the internet. It is so much easier to type in an ingredient and then you have a huge choice as to how to use it. I love vegetable though, so your book looks very enticing! So happy it is asparagus season!

  4. Debbie Kick on May 8, 2012 at 9:38 am

    Dang, I want a cutting board like that! Very nice. The bean and asparagus salad looks YUMMMMMMMY!

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