This Week at The Treasured Home July 28, 2015

Greetings, friends!

Things are really hoppin’ at the shop!  I know you’re dying to know what’s happening, so here goes!

I hit gold on Saturday, making the rounds, to estate and garage sales.  I had been looking for a cool sales counter for some time and everything I saw was massive, in size and expense and usually two hours away.  A bad combination.

Mr. Wonderful thought I was nuts, when he saw the treasure.


Yes, naysayers, it’s a work bench.  You should have seen the spider webs, grease and general muck on this diamond in the rough!  But wait!  I vacuumed up the little critters and gave it a TSP bath.  It was feeling better already.  

There were still a bunch of grease on the top, so I used steel wool and mineral spirits, to cut through the crud.  After another rinse and dry, I sanded away the rough edges, with my power sander.  

Then…drum roll…I wiped the whole thing down, with Amy Howard’s Natural Stain.  I like it because it’s water based.  Finally, I applied hemp oil and stood back, nodding my head, proudly, in approval.

Mr. Wonderful moved a wooden edge that was around the top, designed to keep things from rolling off, I imagine, down to the base of the piece. So here it is… almost finished..

Actually, this picture was taken, in progress…before Bob added the base trim.  I have it all extra pretty now.  You’ll just have to come in to see my new ($20) sales counter!  It’s just kissable!  

In fact, you’ll see it, Thursday night, at our Meet the Artists extravaganza! You will be there, won’t you?

I am so proud to have these three talented artists, join us!  I am truly in awe of their creative genius.  You have to see for yourself!

Yes, I know that these pictures aren’t exactly award winning, but on Sunday, when I was at the San Francisco Gift Show, a customer from the shop, Theresa, flagged me down.  She was so excited to tell me I had helped her transform some ugly old beige lockers, with Amy Howard’s Zinc Solution!  

Theresa was so thrilled with result.  The hardest part was stripping the paint off.  She used Citrus Sol, which I love, to strip the lockers, getting the last remnents off with a steel brush.  Then she applied the Zinc Solution, washed it off and then waxed with dark wax.  Not a walk in the park, but totally doable.  Go, Theresa!

Our first vendor, Julie, moved into our Vintage Market, today!  Did I take pictures?   Not yet, but I promise you will love her classic look!  Stay tuned!

Well, there you have it.  Life as I know it.  Thanks for stopping by!

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  1. Valerie McKnight on July 29, 2015 at 8:00 am

    Love your new cool sales counter! You are so good at finding just the right pieces!

    • Barbara Bussey on July 29, 2015 at 5:52 pm

      Thanks, Valerie. Hope to see you Thursday night!

  2. Therapeutically Oiled on July 29, 2015 at 9:36 am

    This is soooooooooo awesome!

  3. Julie Karp on July 29, 2015 at 12:29 pm

    Thanks Barbara, happy to be there! The new counter looks great, by the way! It’s really nice to know the history and story behind it.

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