Our free Demo Day is tomorrow, Saturday, February 10th! February 8, 2024

Let’s get creative!

I often hear people say “I’m not creative.”.  To tell you the truth, I might have said the same thing, before I started painting furniture, about 14 years ago!  Until I opened a shop, that was all about giving old, discarded pieces of furniture, new life, I didn’t make the time to enjoy the creative process.

So let’s start small and learn the basics.  It’s what Demo Day is all about.  It’s not a big time commitment and it’s absolutely free, which is even better.

Here’s the plan…

11:00-12:00: Iron Orchid Designs

Iron Orchid Designs offers stamps, transfers, moulds and their newest product, paint inlays.  This hands-on demo is only open to the  first ten people, who will go through the paint inlay process.  Any additional people are welcome to watch.

Inlays require more steps than the other products and can be intimidating, at first glance.   So, let’s crack the code, painting and applying a paint inlay, to this little wooden heart!

And then…

1:00 – 2:00 p.m.:  Fusion Mineral Paint

If you’ve been curious about the furniture painting process and Fusion Mineral Paint, this one-hour demonstration will give you a peek at the whole process, including how to find things to paint, what to look for, when selecting a piece, what to avoid and what you don’t want to miss!

I’ll be painting this small table, that I found at a thrift store and answering your questions.

All attendees will receive 10% off any supplies in our Makery, Saturday only.  

Please do me a favor and let me know if you’re coming.  Just go  Here and sign up for either of these demo’s .  Remember, only ten people will be able to do the Paint Inlay project, but anyone else is welcome to watch.

If you are inspired by the furniture painting demo, keep in mind that our Paint Your Own Piece workshop will be on the following Saturday and three spots are still available.  In this workshop, you’ll bring in a small wooden piece of furniture (like in the photo above) and you’ll leave with a finished furniture project!  All supplies are included.

Well, there you have it!  

XO, Barbara

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Tuesday: 10:30-4:00
Wednesday: 10:30-5:00
Thursday: 10:30-6:00
Friday & Saturday: 10:30-5:00
Sunday: 12:00-4:00


(916) 514-5272