Our 9th Anniversary Celebration Begins Today…Plus Another Walk Down Memory Lane September 29, 2021

As a BIG thank you for your support, over the last nine (9) years, we’re having a “Thank You” sale!

Here’s the plan…Hold onto your hats, because we’re having a store-wide, 20% off sale, until October 28th, when we’ll raffle off three shopping sprees, valued at $500! Have you entered to win?

(Yes, everything except Brighton Jewelry and soon to arrive, Uno de 50, per our retailer agreement.)

The shop has never been so packed and it’s a great opportunity to save some serious doe-ray-me!  The sale is subject to stock on hand, so shop early, to make sure you have a great selection!

Back in 2012…

Back then, I had gone a few years since selling a business and I was floundering. I was looking for purpose and something I could get passionate about.

I had tried home staging for a couple of years and found it back breaking and a tough sell, as the country was struggling to recover from a recession.  Then I rented a room at the old and now defunct Veranda Antiques.  It didn’t take long for me to realize that was not my destiny.

Betsy was at West Point and Andrew was in the Navy.  They didn’t need my to make their lunches or taxi them about town any longer.  I was searching!

While at Veranda, I had started a blog, that I still write today…(thank you very much for reading!!) It was about then that furniture painting was exploding in the blog world, so I gave it a try.  Lots of trial and error and do-overs!

I talked my skeptical Mr. Wonderful into turning a room in our office building into a shop.  It had become a storage catch-all and it was where I painted furniture to sell.  Why not make that my shop, since I was already working there?

I had been open for a couple of years, when I realized I needed help and God sent me Jill!  We were lucky to have her kind heart at the shop for five years, before it was time for her to move on.  One door closed and another opened.

I remember that when I opened the doors, I told Mr. Wonderful that I’d commit to two years.  I had friends tell me that I’d be nailing my feet to the floor and never be able to get away.

I also remember opening the doors after arranging the limited inventory, on a shoe string budget. I tried my best to make it look like there was a lot more than there was!

Teaching classes has been a great experience, alongside our wonderful customers.  If you had told me I’d be doing this 15 or twenty years ago, I would have laughed.  Just an example of how we need to be open to new opportunities to grow.

Fast forward to now and the adventure continues, thanks to our amazing “shop sisters” and you, our loyal customers!  We can thank you enough!  Our commitment to offer you a fun, inspiring shopping experience will never end.

So, what are you waiting for?  Let’s get shopping! 🙂

We’re open Thursday-Sunday, 11:30-4:30.  In November and December, we plan to add Wednesdays as another shopping day, as you prepare for the holidays ahead!

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  1. Karen Murphy on September 30, 2021 at 11:58 am

    In a time of ____________ (fill in the blank) … I’m at a loss at how to describe the time we all are in!!! … YOU and The Treasured Home are a happy destination and our source of JOY! Thank you, Barbara. 💛🤗

    • Barbara Bussey on October 1, 2021 at 10:25 am

      Hi Karen,
      Thanks for your sweet note. You made my day!
      Cheers!, Barbara

  2. deborah a patterson on September 30, 2021 at 3:34 pm

    what color is the table in the picture above? Can I paint over one that I already did in fusion paint?? I’m tired of the putty color….Hope you can help

    • Barbara Bussey on October 1, 2021 at 10:25 am

      Sorry, I’m not sure what table you’re referring to.

  3. Sandy Russell on September 30, 2021 at 7:19 pm


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Tuesday: 10:30-4:00
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Thursday: 10:30-6:00
Friday & Saturday: 10:30-5:00
Sunday: 12:00-4:00


(916) 514-5272