My New Ironstone Ebay Purchase December 15, 2011
I’ll have to admit, my eBay buying experience is pretty limited, with mixed “buyer satisfaction” levels. And then there are the inflated postage rates. Maybe postage for my new ironstone vegetable tureen was so high because of the heavy duty, high tech shipping materials. Good thing I got a good price on the tureen itself, despite the shipping costs.
On the other hand, I really think postage should have been almost free, since the seller was able to get rid of all their garbage, while packing this little guy.
Off it goes to Veranda, tomorrow!
Do you shop eBay often? Do you have any buying secrets you care to share? Hope you’ll spill the beans!
Cheers, little elves!
It’s lovely! Does that mean you aren’t keeping it for yourself? I have a similar one in storage that I love – can’t wait to start using it again once we are back in the US. I guess the seller was using “green” packing materials.
But agreed….low shipping costs were definitely in order!
Oh, that is so pretty. I have sold several things on Ebay but have bought only a few…I say I have mixed buyer satisfaction, but mainly because I like to see things before I buy them…Call me crazy, but if I’ma buy a car, I wanna drive it first!
I agree! There are little things you can miss in a photograph, like the detailing around the handles I missed. Seeing “in person” is always my preferred shopping mode as well!
I made my first eBay purchase in 1998…couldn’t live without it. Good looking tureen. I think that was quite smart using those foam pieces for shipping…good use since it will never decompose. Recycle, recycle, recycle!
Hi Jane, you are the shopping guru!
HI Barbara!

I have one like this in my kitchen! Love it.
I buy on Ebay all the time and have for years. My secret is try not to bid until the last ten seconds when an auction closes!
BTW…. the snow in my snowglobe is fake flake snow you buy at the craft shops. Not coconut!
I will have to pay attention to your great suggestion, Alison! Thanks!
Ilove EBAY! Buy and sell a ton on there. I truly believe you can find anything on EBAY! Veggie tureen is pretty!
Good morning, Mrs. Kick, you shopper’s shopper!
I just did a little research and found that this piece is probably from the 1850s or 1860s, and called Thrashers Wear, embellished with wheat, corn or flowers to appeal to the people feeding the huge agricultural community! Love the history! So that’s the meaning of the little wheat detailing around the handles.
I received an item wrapped in a disposable newborn diaper once. Still have it. Might come in handy someday.
What a riot! Hang on to it! You never know when it might come in handy!
love the ironstone, but that is some wonky packing. I’ve had really good experiences with ebay, but agree that the shipping charges have gotten out of control.
enjoy your piece!