Looking for a Part Time Job? April 30, 2019

Hello friends!,

I hope all is well in your world!  

For the last year and a half, or so, we’ve had a little ray of sunshine, named Alexis, running the shop on Sunday afternoons. Soon, she’ll be graduating from CSUS.  She’ll be heading back to the Bay Area, to be closer to family and we’ll really miss her energy and can-do spirit!  

All the best, Alexis! Your future is bright!

So, we’re now on the look-out, for someone who loves the shop, to work on Sundays!  Yes, we’re flexible, but we need someone who is usually available to work on Sunday’s 11:15 til 4:45.  Actual store hours are 11:30-4:30, but this allows a bit of time to open and close.

The job pays $12.50 per hour and you get discounts on classes and inventory.  The job can start this coming Sunday.

Here’s what we’re looking for:

– Someone who’s friendly, dependable, trustworthy…you know, sort of everything we were taught as Girl Scouts!

– Someone who loves furniture painting, interior design and all things creative, would be a big plus! 

– Some lifting is required, if customers need assistance.

– Our register is pretty easy to operate, but you’ll need to be somewhat tech friendly.

– You may or may not have another person working with you, but you’ll need to be a person who works well without supervision.

We have a small group of women working at the shop.  We treat one another and our customers like old friends.  We always have each other’s back and pretty much live by the golden rule.  

Does this sound of interest?  If so, talk to me or Jill, in the shop, or reply to this post.  Thanks so much!

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  1. Mariko Zimmerman on April 30, 2019 at 12:15 pm

    Dear Ms. Barbara,

    My name is Mariko Zimmerman. I’m a Sophomore at Rio Americano High School this year, moving on to my Junior year in August. I am an honors and AP student with a 4.0 GPA, a Student Government officer, and a member of the Varsity Lacrosse Team. I also just finished my second year on Rio’s Cheerleading Squad, and received the annual coach’s award for commitment, respect and leadership.

    I know I’m young, but I’m a very hard worker, a fast learner, a former Girl Scout, and I love interior design, painting and people! Would you consider me for your part time position, or is my age too much of a deterrent?

    • Barbara Bussey on April 30, 2019 at 3:41 pm

      Hi there,

      It sounds as though you are a real dynamo! Please check back with me in a few years, but for now I feel most comfortable having someone older run in the shop by themselves. Thanks for asking and keep up the good work!


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Monday: Closed
Tuesday: 10:30-4:00
Wednesday: 10:30-5:00
Thursday: 10:30-6:00
Friday & Saturday: 10:30-5:00
Sunday: 12:00-4:00


(916) 514-5272