How To Paint Metal Using Fusion Mineral Paint October 30, 2018

Did you know that Fusion Mineral Paint can be used on more than just furniture? This tutorial will teach you how to paint metal using Fusion Mineral Paint!

The versatility of Fusion Mineral Paint is just one of the reasons why we love the brand so much!  Fusion Mineral Paint can be used for all of your home decor DIY projects including painting metal surfaces!  So today, let’s watch as Barbara shows us how to paint metal using Fusion Mineral Paint!

Find out how to paint metal surfaces with this Fusion Mineral Paint tutorial from The Treasured Home in Northern California. Fusion Mineral Paint is amazing for home decor projects and can be used for all your furniture painting techniques. #thetreasuredhome #fusionmineralpaint #paintedfurnituretechniques #homedecorpaint #northerncaliforia

Fusion Mineral Paint products needed to paint metal:

TSP by Fusion Mineral Paint

Fusion Mineral Paint – Barbara used the color Coal Black

Staalmeester Pointed Sash Brush #18

Watch the full How To Paint Metal Tutorial now!!

Barbara’s Tips for Painting Metal:

Always clean your piece thoroughly with a product like TSP by Fusion Mineral Paint before you begin painting.  Paint will not stick to dirt.

Use a high quality brush to minimize brush strokes.  Barbara’s favorite brush brand is Staalmeester which can be found in the online paint store.

Paint indoors as much as you can!  Fusion Mineral Paint is VOC-free so it’s perfectly safe to use indoors.  Plus, painting indoors will ensure your project’s finish isn’t compromised by temperature or humidity.

BONUS TIP:  A few of Barbara’s favorite places to find budget-friendly lamp shades include Target, Ross & Lamps Plus.

For more tips and ideas about using Fusion Mineral Paint, be sure to join the Paint It Beautiful group on Facebook!  We also encourage you to stop by The Treasured Home in person!  We are located in Fair Oaks, CA and would love to help you get started using Fusion Mineral Paint.

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  1. Carol Foshag on June 3, 2020 at 7:05 am

    Hi, I have a question. I’m painting my outside metal patio furniture. I scraped the loose top coat of paint off. Underneath the top coat is a some what glossy paint. What do I need to do before I start painting with Fusion Mineral Paint? Thank you.

    • Barbara Bussey on June 11, 2020 at 1:18 pm

      I’d us a medium grit sanding block, like we sell at the shop, over the entire surface, to give it “tooth”. Then, clean and paint. Good luck!

  2. Marie Seedsman on June 2, 2022 at 11:04 pm

    Can I use the paint for indoor and outdoor polished stainless steel doors handles

    • Barbara Bussey on May 30, 2023 at 4:10 pm

      I would clean the door and use ultra grit, prior to painting. Ultra grip is a bonding agent, and it needs to sit for 12 hours before painting.

  3. Stephanie Bavaro on May 30, 2023 at 3:44 pm

    So, I don’t need to use UltraGrip? I just need to clean and paint the metal? Mine is an indoor piece that has never rusted and the current coat is not shiny,.

    • Barbara Bussey on May 30, 2023 at 4:11 pm

      I think you should be fine since it’s not a slick surface, to just clean first, and then paint.

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