Do you know Gwen Moss, the blog written by the lovely, smart and multi-talented Leslie Harris? No? Well, I hope you find an extra few minutes to wander her way! Leslie is an energetic woman who, from my vantage point, never stops learning. She’s not afraid of risk or change. I believe I read that she practiced for years as a psycho therapist! That translates into “way smart” in my dictionary! She’s a wonderful writer, a student of life, that speaks from the heart, about mothering, decorating, entertaining and life’s challenges. (Do “entertaining” and “life’s challenges” go hand in hand…
Read the rest >>March 15th, 12:03 p.m. Jini, “shopper extroidenaire” and dear friend, sent out an urgent message from Marshall’s! “Two, 8′ wooden door panels, $50 each!” She thought that this might be something that my customers might be interested in. I declined at first, saying that my shop and storage spaces are filled to the brim. Then after further consideration, I started to think about where I could use these beautiful panels at our home. Before you knew it, Mr. Wonderful and I were wrapping up “date night”, at Marshall’s! I am sure he was thrilled! What a trooper he is! Thank…
Read the rest >>The shop has only been opened for a few months and already, I have met so many wonderful women! One such person is Charmaine Austin. Original pastel: $125.00 She always has a smile on her face and talks from the heart. 6×6″ oil: $35.00 She’s truly a versatile artist! She sculpts, and creates using whatever she finds around her, creating beauty. $85. A favorite, is this vintage hat, that she decorated the brim of, complete with a bird’s nest! $35 00 How about this mother bird, feeding her baby bird? Precious! $95.00 Speaking of birds… If you haven’t been in…
Read the rest >>The rumor is, that many people use their garages for cars. We lost that memo. This is Mr. Wonderful’s version of a “man cave”. As long as there’s a TV to watch sports, life is good! I don’t know what I’d do without him! After some repair work, this is going to be a beautiful piece. I love anything with curves! You may remember how I once said that I would never strip any piece of furniture again, as long as I lived. Well, this is another reason why you should never say “never”!I love the lines of these two…
Read the rest >>This is for all of my local lovelies!, If you have never made greeting cards, you’re in for some fun! I can just hear you now, “I don’t do paper crafting!”. But, trust me, I said the same thing a couple of years ago! You get some women together, with some wine, appetizers and glue sticks and watch out! Oh, so you’re Jewish and don’t send Easter cards? Trust me, Debbie, the Master Card Wizard has an idea for just about every holiday. If all else fails, create your own custom design, from our bag of tricks! Here’s the scoop:…
Read the rest >>Hello Friends!, Painting Classes on Saturday! The weekend is fast approaching and we still have plenty of room in both Introductory Furniture Painting Classes! 10 a.m.: Maison Blanche chalk-based furniture paint, creates a creamy finish, that sticks to anything without stripping or priming! 1 p.m.: Miss Mustard Seed’s Milk Paint is another Eco-friendly paint that naturally self-distresses for a chippy look. No prep is needed for either paint line, besides a thorough cleaning. RSVP for either class, by calling 916/514-5272, or by registering on-line. Taste-test Black and White Shortbread cookies, from the new “Gathering of Friends cookbooks! Dressed for spring!…
Read the rest >>So, what did you do today? I hope it was a relaxing, feel good kind of day for you! Guess what we did? We had a painting class today, featuring Miss Mustard Seed Milk Paint. Surprised, huh? This was our first 3-hour milk paint class. Lots of firsts, lately! Six antique dealers from Lodi, a farm community, south of Sacramento, came for a special class, just for their group. These women were so fun…and a little bit crazy…but that’s all the better! I introduced them to the world of Rub ‘n Buff and Glacage. They were on cloud nine! It…
Read the rest >>Following, is one of my most widely appreciated blog posts! If you missed it the first time around, you must take a minute, to enjoy! Yes, I know that this is not a joke blog, but it’s cold, wet and grey here and this made me laugh, which is something we can all use, from time to time, on a winter’s day! Yoga Mat for Sale Ad on Craigslist By MindBodyGreen Any takers? Here’s the full text from the Seattle Craigslist ad below: Yoga mat for sale. Used once. – $1 (Bellevue) Yoga mat for sale. Used once at lunch…
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