Our “Free” Workshop is Back!

By Barbara Bussey | May 2, 2013 |

Not a moment too soon, I finally have the furniture painting class schedule for May on-line. Last weekend, we had a great class, covering all the tips and tricks, using chalk-style paint. New, in May, we’ll be offering FREE Workshops, every Wednesday, from 12-1 p.m.! I’ll give you the low-down on both milk and chalk-style paints. I just ask that you call or register on line, prior to the class. Best news of all…! If you call or register on line, by Mother’s Day, May 12th, you can bring your mom, or even a friend to a 3-Hour Paint Class…

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The Ruralist (New Shop at the 57th St. Antique Mall)

By Barbara Bussey | May 1, 2013 |

Greetings, dear friends!, As Mr. Wonderful puts the finishing touches on tonight’s barbecued chicken, I thought I’d tell you about The Ruralist, at 57th Street Antiques, here in Sacramento. Tom Kurth and his partner, opened the shop just a couple of months ago. Tom used to share space with me and a few others, at Veranda Antiques, in Carmichael. I’ve always admired his style! This space is wonderfully displayed and well edited. There is a cohesive sense of order in the whole shop. Next time, Tom goes on a buying trip, I am going to follow him at a reasonable,…

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Real Life

By Barbara Bussey | April 28, 2013 |

The act of making comparisons, robs us of the chance to feel gratitude for what we have. Comparisons steal our joy. Amen, sister! All of this wisdom has been pilfered from today’s post at Gwen Moss aka Leslie, is a retired psychology professional (I say that because I don’t know all of her many degrees and appropriate titles. All I know is that she really understands how our heads and hearts go together!) I told Leslie, in my comment to her post, that I had, just this past week, thought about photographing my house as it is, before I photograph…

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Happy 1st Birthday to the Blog Sisters!

By Barbara Bussey | April 26, 2013 |

Could it really be that just a year ago, I attended the first Haven Blogger’s Conference in Atlanta? My pen was moving faster than a speeding train! I felt like thebionic woman learning things that would make me a more powerful blogger! I came home, feeling so connected to a number of wonderful women, who give their all to the blogging community! And since I can never leave well enough alone, I started The Blog Sisters. I thought, wouldn’t it be cool to have a reference guide to home bloggers, throughout the world? Yes, membership is international! Still, we only…

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Visiting Hudson, New York

By Barbara Bussey | April 21, 2013 |

Hello! We recently made the trek, to see our daughter at college, in New York. Typically, we land and stay in NYC, to take in some of the big city! This time, we landed in Albany, and had the chance to visit Hudson, New York. It’s about an hours drive from Albany, or two, from NYC. If ever you have the chance, stay at a B&B, called Inn on the Hudson. Big, beautiful place, about a hundred years old, that’s been lovingly restored. Be sure to save room for their amazing breakfast selection! Mr. Wonderful, my driver, immediately christened the…

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New (Furniture, Etc.) at The Treasured Home!

By Barbara Bussey | April 17, 2013 |

Greetings, dear ones!, I have just a few things to show you, at The Treasured Home, if you have a minute to sit back and take a peak! This isn’t what we’d call a “beauty shot”, but these two shutter panels are from Italy. They’re big and chunky, with equally chunky hardware! Yummy! Mr. Wonderful has practically rebuilt this buffet, from scratch! He’ll be glad to see it head to the shop, for wax and hardware next week! I got my hands on this bee-uuuutiful twin bed frame, complete with side boards and a matching dresser today. Does it need…

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Double-Love (In both a partner and a paint!)

By Barbara Bussey | April 14, 2013 |

Good morning! How was your weekend? Wonderfully fun, I hope! Saturday’s Milk Paint class was so fun! Great conversation and painting. How can you go wrong? I stepped away briefly during class and returned to Heidi, lusting after the chalk based paint samples. She was ready to give up on milk paint! Why? Because it didn’t cover as completely as chalk based or latex paint. Especially when painting a light color, like Grain Sack, over a dark brown chair! I knew it was time for an intervention, for Heidi and her chair! I said, “Just try the dark wax. It…

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Gettin’ My Milk Paint On at the Shop

By Barbara Bussey | April 11, 2013 |

Greetings fellow countrywomen!, I have a milk paint class on Saturday, so I’ve been mixing and layering colors, in my laboratory! I mentioned the other day, about creating a driftwood look, layering Typewriter and Grain Sack. Then, I started playing around with Kitchen Sink, which falls into the turquoise family. Kitchen Sink was used on the far left sample board. I was surprised that adding one part yellow to two parts Kitchen Sink, hardly changed the outcome (middle board). With half Kitchen Sink and half Mustard Seed Yellow, it became a green that is similar, but not as clean as…

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Thursday: 10:30-6:00
Friday & Saturday: 10:30-5:00
Sunday: 12:00-4:00


(916) 514-5272