Yay or Nay? Bullet Jewelry

By Barbara Bussey | May 22, 2013 |

Every now and then, dear friends, I see new designs or products, that leave me scratching my head. What are your thoughts on jewelry made from the ever popular bullet? I am not necessarily in favor of gun control, but bullet jewelry? Seriously? Should I place my order? Isn’t the cross, made of bullets, just a bit bizarre? Or is it just me?

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Natural Garden “Sculpture”

By Barbara Bussey | May 21, 2013 |

Months ago, dear friend, Cleo, brought me several of these seed buckets, from a piece of farm equipment. They’ve been sitting idle for a while now. Empty, they aren’t very interesting. But once you fill them with greenery, all of that changes! I chose succulents for my first experiment. Once in the shop this morning, I was trying to figure out how to display the “bucket”. Thankfully, the bucket has holes on the back, that are very helpful to use for hanging. I spied my little milk painted ladder, and thought it would be a perfect place to display my…

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The San Francisco Decorator Showcase (and a give-away winner!)

By Barbara Bussey | May 20, 2013 |

I’ve been visiting the annual San Francisco Decorator Showcase Home for a number of years. While I really wonder about how practical the floor plan is, all I can say is “who cares?”! This home, which is on the market for somewhere around $20 million, is located in one of America’s best neighborhoods, San Francisco’s Pacific Heights and the views are incredible! Who cares, if the kitchen is on the bottom floor and the dining room is on the second floor and the master suite is 3 floors up? I guess it’s one way to stay in shape! Each room…

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“Meet the Artists” Preview

By Barbara Bussey | May 14, 2013 |

Hi there, dear friends, I barely slept a wink last night, thinking about my to-do list for Thursday night’s Meet the Artist event. You know how it is, when you are getting ready to throw a party, you worry about everything! I ask myself, will anyone show up? Especially, since it’s supposed to rain part of Thursday. Oh dear! But, as always, I know it will all work out. Bob is going to be smoking turkey and tri- tip for sandwiches and a couple of wonderful guys are pouring their best wines. Steve and Jarl are wonderful artists, from Sausalito,…

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A Milk Paint Give Away at The Rustic Pig

By Barbara Bussey | May 13, 2013 |

I sit here, talking to you, working on my second “fun size” pack of gummy bears. I purchased this packaging, thinking that it would minimize my gummy bear consumption. Fat chance! I just have more wrappers to deal with. Think of the land fill issues, Barbara! For heavens sake! Where was I? Oh yes, speaking of pigs, I’m sponsoring a milk paint/wax brush giveaway, over at The Rustic Pig! Claire, the darling face behind the blog, is a furniture painting mad woman! So, if you didn’t think your Mother’s Day gifts quite hit the mark, go get yourself some paint…

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How to Paint an Aged Finish

By Barbara Bussey | May 11, 2013 |

Happy Mother’s Day dear lovelies!, It’s actually the day before Mother’s Day, as I write yet another spell-binding post, chronicling the life of a scavenger/furniture painter. My back’s on ice and I’m pretending my diet Pepsi is a Mai Tai. Not easy. Several months ago, in fact, before Christmas, someone brought two table bases to the shop. Identical, old, small table bases, covered in multiple layers of lead paint. Just precious table bases, that needed to be stripped, in the worst way. But, since I swore that I would never strip another piece of furniture, as long as I lived,…

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New at The Treasured Home

By Barbara Bussey | May 9, 2013 |

Easy come, easy go. Mr. Wonderful put shelves into this old lacquered Chinese cabinet. I bid a fond farewell to it this afternoon! Lee, a dear customer, had been coming to visit this piece and the two of them became fast friends! With that piece gone, I did lots of moving and shaking around the shop. The place looks brand new! Speaking of brand new, what did you get your mom for Mother’s Day? What?! You haven’t gone shopping yet? Mind if I give you a couple of ideas? No? Okay, great! Since you asked, how about you and mom…

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Easy-peazy Chair Trim (Welting for Whimps!)

By Barbara Bussey | May 4, 2013 |

I found these six dining room chairs, that Mr. Wonderful could power spray for me. It all sounded easy enough. Sound familiar? If you’ve never had the pleasure of removing old foam from a chair, it’s something everyone should try, at least once. I never knew old foam could disintegrate into powder, once the fabric covering was removed. It was probably fifty year-old foam, with some poisonous chemicals in it that have since been banned! Standing over the dumpster, with a disintegrating chair pad, reminded me I was “living the dream”! Seems like I said the same thing, as we…

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