What a difference the little details make! If you’ve used milk paint before, following packaged instructions, you’ve ended up with lumpy milk paint. Sure, the lumps can be stirred or mixed out, but one tiny little detail will save you lots of trouble! It’s all about water temp. Warm/hot water = lumpy paint. Cool water = smooth paint! It’s sort of like making gravy, I hear. Flour and hot water create lumpy gravy. Cold water and flour create smooth gravy! Lynn, at today’s class, painted her piece Kitchen Sink and used dark antiquing wax, to seal it! Debra claims she…
Read the rest >>Hello! Last weekend, I couldn’t pass up this vanity, that was past its prime. I removed the skirt and top cover and got busy on it tonight. Sewing is something that I can do, if it involves straight lines. So, making a new skirt for this table was within my skill set. Sure, I could have left this full bed frame, leaning up against the wall. But, today I decided to pretend like I had lots of room in the shop. I set up the bed frame and moved all of my “shabby chic” treasures into a little faux room…
Read the rest >>Did you know that most artists will allow you to buy their art, in a series of payments? It’s true. The art of Steve Sekhon and Jarl Forsman, will be on display at The Treasured Home, just a while longer. If there’s a piece of art that you’ve had your eye on, now’s the time to call or visit the shop! **** SALE! The Maison Blanche paint line is selling well. One antique dealer bought 20 quarts of paint this morning! There’s still plenty in stock, so take advantage of this 50% off close-out sale!
Read the rest >>If you live in Michigan, Wyoming or Washington, sorry…today’s blog post is not for you. But for my local friends…dear people, addicted to the art of furniture painting, here in the Sacramento area, …this is for you! Maison Blanche is NOW half-off, at The Treasured Home! Yes! Wax, paint (at $19.50), crackle, Glacage,.. it’s all half-off, while supplies last! Maison Blanche is a great product. But when paint has to travel from the United Kingdom, through customs, to Dallas, where it’s repackaged and then all the way to California, a lot of people, time and costs have been tacked on…
Read the rest >>At our last furniture painting class, participants gave me all sorts of brilliant ideas to grow my 7 month old business. One of their ideas was to paint half of a piece of furniture, to show what a difference a little paint can make! My paint line is slightly off, but that’s easy to fix. I found the chair at a thrift store and I think it’s a great way to demonstrate the impact of paint! Keep those ideas coming!
Read the rest >>Dear Friends of The Treasured Home, Another month has passed us by! What are you waiting for? Come paint with me! The Free Wednesday Workshop is going strong! If you aren’t sure about which paint to try first, this weekly session is perfect for you! Just call the shop at 916/514-5272 or go on line, to register! Our 3 hour, paint your own piece of furniture classes are on the calendar so make plans to join us!
Read the rest >>One of my dear customers, bought this bed and dresser, at the shop, for her daughter, before I could paint it. This was one of our most challenging projects. These pieces had been neglected for some time. Mr. Wonderful worked his magic on the bed and Patti and I took it from there. This filler was our magic ingredient. It’s super easy to work with. It takes sanding and paint beautifully. A soft pink chalk-based paint, was the customer’s color choice and I used a cream colored paint, mixed with clear wax, to highlight the molding. The new owners stopped…
Read the rest >>Dawn, is a friend of mine, who owns the Bella Fiore Florist, in downtown Old Fair Oaks. She layered and sanded this beautiful bow-front dresser, to perfection! The stunning hardware is all original, just like Dawn’s paint technique. I bow to a real master of the brush! Hats off, Dawn!
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