What’s New at The Treasured Home…

By Barbara Bussey | April 7, 2015 |

It seems like I’ve been playing “catch-up” since returning from Round Top, last week!   I couldn’t resist bringing in these fun unisex t-shirts, especially since 10% of the company’s profits are going towards research for Muscular Sclorosis.  They should be for sale in our on-line shop soon!  Did I tell you about these neck packs that you can heat or cool, to sooth a stressed neck and sholders?  They come with matching masks, that I love, when I’m having a hard time sleeping. I’ve been searching for gifts that any mother would love, this Mother’s Day…May 10th.  Yes, that is next…

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Travels to Round Top

By Barbara Bussey | April 3, 2015 |

OK, friends.  I’m back and had the time of my life!    Yes, Round Top draws quite a crowd and I’m so glad we were part of it all!  I had been talking about going to this bi-annual antique shopping extravaganza, for years.  It was about time!      Five of us, (three are shop owners), left California before the sun came up on Monday morning and met up at Austin’s airport, that afternoon.  Round Top and surrounding areas, are about an hour and a half, from Austin, so we hopped in our rental van and took off!  No time…

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New Class Schedule, for April & May

By Barbara Bussey | March 29, 2015 |

If you’ve been thinking about taking a class soon, to transform family heirlooms, or garage sale treasures, the schedule for April and May can be found HERE!    Trying something new, Thursday classes will be held during the day, to make it easier for moms with kids to take a class. While you won’t find it on the calendar, we’ll be hosting a special 2-hour class, on the afternoon of April 30th. You’ll have a chance to meet Amy Howard and take a class with her, on our big screen, live, in our shop, for just $20!  Expect more information very soon!…

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Round Top, Texas, here we come!

By Barbara Bussey | March 29, 2015 |

   While many of you are still dreaming of something really wonderful, five of us will be taking off from the Sacramento airport, at 6 a.m., for Round Top’s bi-annual antique show! To say I’m excited, is an understatement.  It’s something that’s long been on my “bucket list” and now, at last, I get to go!  Thankfully, a couple of women in the group, have been a number of times!     This little town, is just one square mile big and twice a year it explodes, with antique traders and devout followers.   I have no idea what to…

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Reclaimed Oak Floors, at our Tahoe Home

By Barbara Bussey | March 14, 2015 |

 Remember the giant pile of wood flooring?  ….And the orange carpet?  Well, stand back and take a look at this!  Yes, Martha, the floors are in upstairs  and they are just gorgeous!!  They are reclaimed oak boards, sealed with tung oil.  One more coat of oil needs to be applied and then they’re finished!  (This shot is of the upstairs landing.)  These photos are of the largest bedroom upstairs.    This is the same landing, from the opposite direction.  Town and Country Flooring, in Truckee, sourced and installed the floors for us.  Great people to…

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Another Antique Vanity and More News!

By Barbara Bussey | March 12, 2015 |

Hello Treasured Friends!  In February, we were fortunate to sell a record number of furniture pieces!  We shed a tear or two, as they went to new homes! But, we now have room to display a couple of new pieces, like this beautiful vanity. We gilded the drawer fronts and moldings with silver leaf.  We also layered milk paint over chalk based One-Step, for more depth to the finish.  Love how it turned out! Don’t you love the beveled tri-fold mirror? Don’t I make a great model?  We found these  eye masks and neck pillows, that can be heated or…

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Milk Paint Adventures and Other News

By Barbara Bussey | March 1, 2015 |

By now, I hope you have all met Jill.  Here she is, working on our latest conquest! This vanity, that could double as a desk, if you like gazing at yourself in the mirror, has been appropriately named, Atlanta. Believe it or not, this is the vanity Mr. Wonderful’s mother, Atlanta, sat at each day.  It is really a beautiful piece of furniture, especially since it has been painted with two shades of Miss Mustard Seed’s Milk Paint.   The drawers offer plenty of storage  and we decided to leave the original hardware alone. We’ll be showing you the finished…

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Milk Paint Monday

By Barbara Bussey | February 22, 2015 |

Way back before Christmas, Mr. Wonderful surprised me with this Craig’s list find. How sweet was that? He knows I love curves and turns, and knew I would love this table and 4 chairs! The table even has a leaf! Of all the dining room tables I’ve found, none ever had their leaf(s)! Can you imagine all the the orphaned table parts, just floating around the universe? I may, or may not, end up in the burning fires of hell, for all the evil thoughts I had, while painting these lovely chairs. We started out with Amy Howard’s chalk base…

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Thursday: 10:30-6:00
Friday & Saturday: 10:30-5:00
Sunday: 12:00-4:00


(916) 514-5272