Our Meet the Artist event just keeps getting better! Ann Marie, another local artist, will be displaying her wonderfully unique pieces, plus, you’ll get to see her painting a piece, during the event, on Thursday, July 30th, from 6 until 8 p.m.! Besides the four unique and talented artists, Anna the palm reader, will be sharing her thoughts with you. John from Wreckless Blenders, will be sharing his award winning wines and Mr. Wonderful will be offering smoked meats for sandwiches. It’s all in good fun! We hope you’ll join us!
Read the rest >>My brother took this photo, of Lake Tahoe, on May 24th. If you haven’t seen it in person, Lake Tahoe is a national treasure and I hope you’ll add it to your “bucket list”! Half of the lake is in the state of Nevada and the other half is in California. I’ve spent summers att the lake, since 1970, when my parents bought a cottage built in the 40’s, on the quiet west side of the lake. I was the “nanny” for my younger brother and sister. I’d care for the kids, one week at the cottage…
Read the rest >>Remember 1989, if you were alive then, when every respectable creative-type had grape leaves stenciled around her kitchen. If not grape leaves, it was little French blue houses, with mauve hearts scattered between them. Fear not, stenciling is back! Fabric is really a great surface for stenciling. Painter’s drop cloths are wonderful for this application! You may remember that I stenciled our drop cloth curtains at the shop, just a few months ago. If you’d like some creative down time, this Saturday, July 11th, from 1-3 p.m., be sure to pre-register, to join us for…
Read the rest >>Our buddies at Google, recently created a virtual tour, of the Treasured Home. And since we’ve done business with so many of you, over the last three years, that will never have the chance to see our shop, I thought we should share it with you, up close and personal. Right or wrong, we don’t fill your orders from the back bedroom “Little Johnnie” used to call his own, down the hall. Nope. We don’t fill your orders in our cramped garage, next to the abandoned work out equip,net, either! Our little “shop angel”, AKA Jill, fills your orders, the…
Read the rest >>Greetings!, If you are a lover of all things milk paint, or even curious about it, you’ll be in good company, with Stacey at Embracing Change! She was featured on Miss Mustard Seed’s Milk Paint blog this week. I think she could paint circles around me! Stacey lives in Pennsylvania, where to her husband’s dismay, she has a garage full of beautiful pieces, ready for her artistic touch. (That’s another thing we have in common!) “Perfectly imperfect”, is what Stacey strives for. She loves the chippy, aged patina, that only milk paint can provide. Drum roll, please! Here’s Stacey’s beautiful dresser, transformed in Mustard…
Read the rest >>Yes, those are my feet, at 7:57 a.m., this morning. Those feet are supposed to be at the gym right now, but I’m giving myself the week off from a schedule. I’m getting so much done! All the things that fall through the cracks, when life goes too fast. But, back to the story! This morning, doing what I love to do, cruising the Land of Blogs, checking out DIY projects, I met Paige, at A Junk Chick Life. She lives in Asheville, North Carolina and her rule for DIY projects is to never pay more than $5 for a paint…
Read the rest >>I love everything about dining room and kitchen tables! They’re the place where you sit down to enjoy a good meal, with a friend, or your whole family. It’s a gathering place, a place to play dominoes, or do homework. For me, setting the table and making a flower arrangement, for a special dinner is more fun than making the dinner! Who needs to eat?! As you see, these chairs aren’t antiques or even vintage. But I loved their shape and boy are they comfy! After gel staining them, with General Finishes’s Java color and recovering them…
Read the rest >>Do you love your kitchen cabinets? No? But you can’t replace them and professional painters’ bids are well into the thou$ands! Whatcha gonna do? Well, paint them yourself, of course! Katy sent us pictures of her new kitchen! She chose “Rugo” blue, for the bottom cabinets and Bahaus Buff on the top. I’m seeing a lot of kitchen cabinets lately, painted in two or three different colors. Why not?! Katy is so excited and proud of her new kitchen, as she should be! We have a full Cabinet Finishing class, this Saturday, but now’s the time to…
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