Milk painting Class at Salvaged, at Lake Tahoe, this Sunday!

By Barbara Bussey | August 14, 2015 |

About a year ago, I discovered a wonderful vintage/hand-made art shop, in Tahoe City, on Lake Tahoe’s north end.      Once inside, the shop has a wonderful scent, with all the hand-made candles and soaps.  It has a calming vibe, with owners Renee and Alissa, at the helm.   I knew that this could be a perfect spot for Miss Mustard Seed’s Milk Paint.  We had our first class, earlier this summer and students asked for a follow up class, with a few more advanced techniques thrown in.   This Sunday, from 10-2 p.m., at Salvaged, (530)583-1025, we’ll have…

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Join Us for Some Paint Therapy!

By Barbara Bussey | August 13, 2015 |

Looking for a night out with the girls?  Bring a friend and join us, next week for some fun with milk paint!    Leave with this hand made wooden arrow sign, and a solid understanding of what milk paint is all about. We’ll provide everything, next Thursday night,  August 20th, 6:30-9:00 p.m., at a special rate, of just $49!       Whether you’re painting a piece of furniture or a brick fireplace, milk paint is a wonderfully versatile, easy to use paint. Totally natural, yet durable.    If you don’t add a primer, you may get lucky and end up with…

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An Amazing Mirror Make-Over

By Barbara Bussey | August 10, 2015 |

It all started with this over the top, antique reproduction mirror.  Yes, another Craig’s List find! I knew that it was a prime candidate for our not-so-secret specialty finish! No, this isn’t One Step, but what good things ever come from just One Step, unless we’re talking a move away from the refrigerator, at 9 p.m.? We started with One Step’s (chalk) Bauhaus Buff, followed by a couple of coats of Gesso.  Then, Jill, topped that off with a couple of coats of Amy’s Toscana Paint Powder, aka milk paint.  Once we Jill had applied a coat of light wax…

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Furniture Sale!

By Barbara Bussey | July 31, 2015 |

First of all… (Academy Awards acceptance speech) thanks to all of you who attended last night’s Meet the Artist event and to all of you who helped make it possible!   I told Bob that it felt like We had friends in our home.  Everyone seemed to have a great time, even with the line at the new and improved sales counter! We’ll need to re-think that process at our next event!    Bob, aka Mr. Wonderful, did a great job, smoking the tri tip!    Dave, one of the “wine guys” at Wreckless Blenders, showed off his award winning…

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See You Tonight!

By Barbara Bussey | July 30, 2015 |

We’ve been busy this week, welcoming artists and finishing last minute projects, in preparation for tonight’s party!   Julie, our first vendor to move in, is also an artist, of another kind, with a eye trained for interior design and beautiful display. If I was asked to describe her look, I’d call it rustic elegance.      Jean, is a local artist, making a return to The Treasured Home, to show her latest work.      Her pieces are placed throughout the shop.  This beautiful ocean scene is one of my favorites!       Ann, is another local artist, who…

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Last minute summer sale!

By Barbara Bussey | July 30, 2015 |

By now, I hope you know about tonight’s Meet the Artist extravaganza, from 6 – 8 p.m..    Well, our Vintage Market is almost half rented and the first vendor moves in next week, just in time for Thursday night’s gathering.  Others are scheduled to move in in September.  So that means I have to make room!      That means it’s time fora SALE, starting tonight, Thursday night, through Saturday! There are a number of pieces that have to go.   If you’re able to join us, you’ll be the first to preview special pricing! Just look for the tags with…

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This Week at The Treasured Home

By Barbara Bussey | July 28, 2015 |

Greetings, friends! Things are really hoppin’ at the shop!  I know you’re dying to know what’s happening, so here goes! I hit gold on Saturday, making the rounds, to estate and garage sales.  I had been looking for a cool sales counter for some time and everything I saw was massive, in size and expense and usually two hours away.  A bad combination. Mr. Wonderful thought I was nuts, when he saw the treasure.    Yes, naysayers, it’s a work bench.  You should have seen the spider webs, grease and general muck on this diamond in the rough!  But wait!…

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There’s Still Room for you to Create a Milk Painted Masterpiece!

By Barbara Bussey | July 21, 2015 |

   As you probably know, we sell both chalk and milk paints, at The Treasured Home.  We teach classes, using both products, yet month after month, there’s less demand for our milk painting class, which leaves me scratching my head, in wonder. Or, is that the bed bugs? (Yes, that was a joke!)    Maybe it’s because everywhere you go, shops are selling chalk style paint.  It’s simple to use.  Shake, stir and paint!  Last Thursday, we had 8 students painting in our chalk style Amy Howard’s One Step class!  Yet, this Thursday, we only have 3 scheduled for the…

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Monday: Closed
Tuesday: 10:30-4:00
Wednesday: 10:30-5:00
Thursday: 10:30-6:00
Friday & Saturday: 10:30-5:00
Sunday: 12:00-4:00


(916) 514-5272