Blessing beads having arrived at the shop, just in time for our biggest gift giving season. They are hand made, in the U.S. The small set of blessing beads are beautiful keepsakes for a new baby, baptism, birthday or special occasion. The large set of beads can be hung on a wall and my favorite use is to just display them with a vignette of art books and special treasures, in your beautiful home. (And oh, by the way, how many people do you know that are nearly impossible to buy for? Well, I suggest you…
Read the rest >>Cabinet Painting Class this Saturday. Paint your kitchen cabinets now, to enjoy this holiday season!
Where do your friends and family gather, each and every time they visit? In the kitchen, of course! The kitchen photos above, were sent to us, by a happy homeowner, who recently painted her kitchen with our Amy Howard One-Step Paints. Have you been looking at your oak cabinets, with disdain? Do you know how great they would look, painted in a traditional white? Or how about a soft grey? You can do this! Our next Cabinet Finishing Class, is this Saturday, October 10th, from 1-4 p.m. Cost: $65.00 All supplies are included, including the…
Read the rest >>Even though it doesn’t feel much like fall, I’m hoping that if I bring in some beautiful, cozy goodies, for my friends, cool weather will come. Jill milk painted some surf board stripes on this vintage ironing board. I think it will make a cool sofa table, or even a breakfast bar, in a kitchen. (The child’s ironing board, sitting on it, has been repurposed as a coat hook…for a laundry room?) Last call, for Thursday night’s Fabric Stenciling class, from 6:30-8:30. Wine, women and paint! Oh my! Sign up at or call…
Read the rest >>Yoo-hoo! It’s your Den Mother, here! Due to popular demand, we’ve added another Paint Your Own Piece class to the schedule, because we filled both the September and October classes. We added a class on Saturday, October 24th, 12:30-4:00 p.m. PLEASE CALL THE SHOP, TUESDAY THROUGH SATURDAY, TO REGISTER, because the class isn’t on line. (916)514-5272. Bring something small, that you can easily carry..with ONE hand, likee this little unfinished, hardwood table. If you don’t have anything to paint, we have a few of these tables left, at our cost of $30.00. This will be…
Read the rest >>Whether the fabric is found, with beautiful geometrics and color on a pillow…. …in a quilt, table runner, carpet, or upholstery fabric, I love the old world attention to detail, quality and craft. This is a Kantha cloth. I understand that “Kantha”, is an eastern Indian word that means “patch”. Some quilts are vintage like this one…some new. They are all hand stitched, by groups of women, just like American women did years ago, and probably still do. Kantha cloths are easy to care for and can be hand or machine washed. Not all Kanthas are…
Read the rest >>Greetings, from our home away from home! Not for long though. I head back in the morning. I feel slightly guilty, having been away from the shop for a week! Well, maybe more than slightly! The Catholic-guilt/workaholic in me, is the little “twerp”, sitting on my left shoulder and the sweet little fairy, sits on my right shoulder, saying, “It’s ok. Relax!” I see spit wads flying! One thing I’ve learned though, after tile in the first bathroom was laid, is that sending photos for approval, via text message, just doesn’t work as well as being “up close…
Read the rest >>Greetings, fellow treasure hunters!, Earlier this year, I told you that we were going to bring a few carefully selected vendors into the shop. Well, a handful of lovely women, moved their loot in over the last couple of days, joining Julie, who arrived last month. You already know some of the women. Young Jill, is one of the our new shop keepers. I love how she converted this old window, into a coffee table, using old spindles, as legs! Tregae has restored this lovely Art Deco desk. The hardware itself, is worth the price of…
Read the rest >>I love it when customers send me pictures of their success stories! Quite a make-over, right? There’s nothing more timeless than a white kitchen! Or, in this case Amy Howard’s Bauhaus Buff! Bravo! Job well done! This is a wonderful example of what you can do to transform the heart of your home, while saving thou$ands! (Wasn’t that “$” clever?) If you’ve been thinking about tackling your cabinets, why not take our Cabinet Finishing Class, this Saturday, August 22nd, from 1-4 p.m.? Call the shop to pre-register or sign up on line, at Just think, the project could…
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