Hello, good people! Last weekend, after our Paint Your Own Piece class, on Saturday, Mr. Wonderful and I scored some great pieces…antiques begging for some paint and lots of good lovin’! More about that, in a minute! Right now, I have several spots available, for this Saturday’s Cabinet Painting class. I’ll be sharing the most important tips, that will give you a fabulous “new” kitchen, without headaches, or killing your spouse! All over the internet; Pinterest, Instagram or Google images, you’ll find all sorts of “Before and After” photos, to inspire you. Jill, our fearless manager, transformed her oak cabinets,…
Read the rest >>Greetings, good people! Do your new year’s resolutions include more crafting and DIY projects? We can help! If you’ve got time this Saturday afternoon, at 1 p.m., our first Paint Your Own Piece Class, for 2017, still has a few spots open…so come join us! Register on line, or call the shop (at 916-514-5272) to pre-register. Bring a small piece to paint, like the one pictured, above, and we’ll provide everything else you’ll need! It really is empowering, to see what you can create, with a little paint! I promise you’ll have a great time!
Read the rest >>I hope your holidays were filled with peace and joy! We escaped to Lake Tahoe, for a white Christmas. (This photo was taken on Christmas morning, facing north.) This photo was taken near sunset, on Christmas, from a similar vantage point. What a difference! By the way, we don’t normally make so many visits to the beach, after a snow, but it was one of the flatter areas we could walk our grand dog, to avoid the ice! We didn’t have our kids home for Christmas, this year, so we were very happy Jill and Cassie shared Micah with us!…
Read the rest >>Greetings, Good People! I hope your holiday was pretty perfect! While the shop’s been closed, Jill’s been visiting family in Idaho and I’ve been getting ready for our New Year’s Sale! All Christmas inventory is 50% OFF and everything that doesn’t already have a sale tag on it, is 20% off! Since I’m hoping to turn our storage space into extra sales and vendor space, I hope you’ll also check out our back room sale! As always, thank you for your support. We’re here because of you! May God continue to bless you in the coming year!
Read the rest >>Before I say another word, a customer named Valerie, was in the shop on Friday and accidentally left a couple of things behind. If this was you, we’re open Saturday, Christmas Eve, from 10-2 p.m. So sorry for the inconvenience!! Quite a year, for me and my family, that included a trip to France, learning of a heart condition, my son moving from the west coast, to the east and my daughter, taking her first assignment, as a 2nd Lt., in the Army. All the while, you wonderful customers and friends, have supported our little shop in Fair Oaks! You’ve…
Read the rest >>Can you believe it, Christmas is just 5 days away? Are you ready? We can help! You won’t have to fight over a parking spot. We’ll gift bag your purchase. We’ll even smile and tell you how much we appreciate your business…because it’s true! We love to help you find the perfect gift. Sunday, I helped two gentlemen, make sense of it all. So fun! Don’t tell me you don’t have a cookie plate for Santa?! And they…and all our holiday merchandise is 30% Off! Need a stocking stuffer? I promise they’ll love these natural soaps, with built in scrubbies! Pinky…
Read the rest >>Hello good people!, If you haven’t been into the shop in a bit, you owe yourself a visit! This weekend is the perfect time, to catch up on new inventory and start or finish your search for the perfect gifts! Saturday, 10-4 and we get a late start on Sunday, 12 noon, to allow plenty of time for all the marathon runners, to pass by the shop. (No, I won’t be running the marathon, but I think I’ve been in training!) Notice anything new? Like this English pine antique cabinet? Or how about this pedestal dining table, that Jill just…
Read the rest >>Happy Thanksgiving, Good People! I hope this holiday brings you closer to those you love most. Family, or friends, you call family. We’ll miss Andrew, who couldn’t make the trip, all the way from Virginia. Thank goodness for Face Time! Happily, Betsy will be home! I’m also thankful for my shop family, who has made my life so much richer. Truly wonderful women! Together we celebrate and share the creative process. It fills my soul with goodness and purpose. None of it would happen without you! Thanks for your encouragment and support, throughout the year. Blessings, happiness, health and peace,…
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