Hello, gorgeous! I hope you’re staying warm and cozy, this week! I was cold all day, running errands! I need to start layering up! This week… All jewelry is 20% off! Earrings, bracelets and necklaces, all make great gifts! A chance to save… Here’s our gifting calendar and a chance for great savings! Last week… The shop hosted a Meet & Greet, for members of Impact 100. In case you aren’t familiar with the organization, they’re a local women’s group, that raises money for local non-profits in the greater Sacramento area. It’s an all-volunteer group, so there are no big administrative…
Read the rest >>Hello, gorgeous! If you haven’t already started decorating for the holidays, there’s no time like the present! I’ve decided that with time moving faster than ever, I might as well embrace the holidays now, rather than later. I’ve been sprinkling holiday decor, here and there, around the house and it feels good. I’ve got a new name for the holidays…ThanksChristGiving. What do you think? Ha! 20% Off Holiday Decor, this week! We’re talking about ornaments, greenery, pillows and of course decor of all shapes a sizes! We plan to put a different product category on sale each week,…
Read the rest >>Happy weekend! After a summer of all summers, it’s great to start wearing layers again! Save 20% off all sweaters and ponchos! We’re open Saturday, 11-5 and Sunday, 11-3 Iron Orchid Designs is also 20% off, through Sunday! P.S.: Don’t tell anyone, but I’ve started decorating at home for Christmas! :O XO, Barbara
Read the rest >>Hello again! I mentioned the I.O.D. Handmade Holidays event in Tuesday’s newsletter. It starts tomorrow, Thursday, mid-morning, in case you can check it out. There will be four different holiday inspired presentations, using Iron Orchid Designs products. Here’s the link that will take you to all of the fun! https://ironorchiddesigns.com/blogs/news/handmade-holidays-with-iod-inspiring-projects-for-a-warm-and-welcoming-season Plus, enjoy 20% off, on any IOD supplies you need, this week, at the shop, or to shop online, click Here! Nothing beats a hand-made gift, made with love! Enjoy the day! XO, Barbara
Read the rest >>Hello, gorgeous! Thank you so much, for joining us this past weekend! You made our open house, the best ever and we hope you had a great time! We sure did! If you couldn’t join us, rest assured, we’ve restocked our shelves, with more deliveries on the way! Special thanks to the women who make it all happen! Christine, Cheryl, Linda and Darlene! If you love Iron Orchid Designs, like we do, they’re hosting an event on Wednesday, with four of the IOD stars, showing you wonderful things you can create for the season! We’ll have all Iron Orchid Designs…
Read the rest >>Hello, beautiful! The shop is packed with beautiful new arrivals, for the lucky ones on your list! We’ll be teaching a napkin stamping workshop tomorrow afternoon, from 1-3 and extra parking is available next door at Bob’s Cycle. 😉 While I write to you on Friday night, the rain has been lightly falling. Have no fear…the weather experts tell me that the skies should dry, by noon, on Saturday. So be sure to join us! We promise you won’t be disappointed! Yes, there really is a Santa!, XO, Barbara
Read the rest >>Hello, gorgeous! Mission accomplished! The Shop Sisters gathered Monday morning and by today, we were able to lock the door and head home, feeling excited about the way everything turned out! We’re just a small shop as you know and I can’t imagine what it took for stores like Macy’s, in the “olden days”, to decorate the huge stores and windows! Today, through Sunday… – Get 10% off all by purchases, plus a free pair of earrings, valued at $22, when you spend $100, or more -Buy any holiday decor and get a free bag of snow balls! Holy smokes!…
Read the rest >>Hello, dear friend… Please know that the shop is closed until Thursday, while we decorate, fluff, arrange and prepare the shop for our favorite time of year! While you’ll enjoy storewide savings, Friday through Sunday, festivities will be happening Saturday, 11-5! As always, thank you for your encouragement and support! XO, Barbara & the Shop Sisters
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