Deal of the Week!

By Barbara Bussey | June 3, 2012 |

Greetings! It has been a busy and productive weekend! There were flea markets and yard sales out the yazoo and I only hit a handful of them. Mr. Wonderful scored double points this morning, when he took me to a stellar sale! It’s where I found “The Deal of the Week”! I really shouldn’t show her to you without being completely dressed, but here she is… She’s a big girl, about 3′ high and I can’t wait to see what she looks like decked out with a shade! $3.00! That’s right, three dollars! I don’t know if I have a…

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Making Pillows with Vintage Fabric

By Barbara Bussey | June 2, 2012 |

Hello there! What a day! I was so excited about yesterday’s monogrammed pillow creation, that I got to thinking about all the different fabric options that I could use to make soft, feminine, dare I say “shabby chic” pillow covers. I think I’ve unleashed a sleeping giant! Watch out! As I was combing the treasures at this morning’s flea market, I found old fabric, like you see all over the place at these markets. I brought home several pieces, including a pillow case that feels as though it has been washed a thousand times, that I used for tonight’s project.…

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Monogrammed Pillow Tutorial

By Barbara Bussey | June 1, 2012 |

Oh my gosh! Wait ’til you see this! Last week, when I was going to mass produce beautiful custom painted tea towels, that turned into a craft-disaster, the project went bust and I was left with 13 plain, white cotton (Wall Mart flour sack) tea towels. Well…drum roll please…tonight I turned two of those $1 towels, plus a vintage monogrammed hand towel into a gorgeous pillow! I had been in a crafter’s slump after the tea towel incident, but now, I’m dancing the Mashed Potato! (You remember that one? No?) It’s a pocket pillow, that anyone can make, with a…

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Craving a Beautiful Closet

By Barbara Bussey | May 31, 2012 |

There must be some serious organizing happening in Blogland! I just saw that Kathysue, at Good Life of Design, had a very in-depth closet organization tutorial Thursday. I admire her organizational skills, but have not gotten to that level of perfection, yet! There’s still hope! Now, normally (yeah, sure!) I don’t let things get quite this bad. I hadn’t really unpacked properly last month and things just got stuffed, here and there. So I decided to share with you the down-and-dirty-closet-organization-tutorial-by-Barbara! It’s nothing more than making piles and folding. Oh, there’s also the “gotta-go” pile. Mr. Wonderful is stressing a…

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Goal Setting…Where Will It Take Me?

By Barbara Bussey | May 29, 2012 |

Goal setting. Just writing the words can be a little scary. What if I don’t reach my goals? What if I share them with you and don’t reach them? Will I then be the public idiot, the “pie in the sky” dreamer, or a woman who still had a few dreams left in her? I vote to be the woman who never stops dreaming. Not dreaming would be like asking me to stop learning or to always drive the same route, never taking a side road; never trying green curry, just because it’s green. You get my drift. I’m not…

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Monday on a Tuesday

By Barbara Bussey | May 29, 2012 |

Hello!, First of all, for a really fun movie, treat…and we hadn’t been to the movies in months…I highly recommend “The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel”! Judi Dench and the entire cast was terrific! While I love to travel, this movie certainly made me want to explore India! (At the same time, “real life” travelers have told me of the poverty and filth, so I’m on the fence about visiting. Have you been?) Anyway, enjoy the movie! We spent the majority of the remaining weekend doing what Mr. Wonderful calls “working on the melon farm, doing honey-do’s!” Isn’t he clever? I…

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Taking Inventory

By Barbara Bussey | May 27, 2012 |

Manifesto – man-i-fes-to: a public declaration of intentions, opinions, objectives or motives, as one issued by a government, sovereign, or organization This morning, Marian, at Miss Mustard Seed has one of her amazing, heartfelt posts, that include a personal “manifesto” by a friend/follower, Amy. Marian, herself, has written about her own personal goals and challenges in the past, as well. If you’d like to read a thought provoking post, I encourage you to take a look. Amy appears to be at a turning point in her life. She’s assessing her life as it is and wondering how it would feel…

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My Deal of the Week!

By Barbara Bussey | May 25, 2012 |

This week, I made a great find, at Veranda Antiques, of course! Having 6 sets of china, purchased or passed on to us by family, we certainly didn’t need another, but these were too great a deal to pass up and I love them! Just the dinner plates, TWELVE of them, for $90.00!! they’re great on the glass chargers…and the white chargers. I love the crest and in black and white, they’ll go with just about everything! I’ve been using my blue and white Spode porcelain every day, for years now. Before that, I used a bone china for everyday.…

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