Crafty Ideas from Pinterest (a Copy-Cat’s Dream Come True)

By Barbara Bussey | June 25, 2012 |

Not long ago, on a journey through Pinterest, I discovered a gold mine of craft ideas! Since I sometimes feel like I don’t have an original thought in my mind, I realized I can spend my life copying the creative forces running loose on Pinterest! The last time I had my hands on an embroidery hoop, I was probably stumbling through my home ec class, in high school! But, on Saturday night, after an early dinner and a long day on planes, Mr. Wonderful and I spent date night at Hobby Lobby! I was so jazzed and filled with ideas,…

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Annie Sloan Chalk Paint’s New Color! (and other paint updates)

By Barbara Bussey | June 24, 2012 |

Hello y’all!, That’s how I talk, now that I’m back from Atlanta! I really wish I had a southern accent! I think they sound so soft and pretty. I think I’ll spend this week, telling you about some of the great product info I learned, at the Haven conference. Today, let’s talk about paint! Are you good with that? Hope so! This sweet little table has been painted in Annie Sloan’s newest chalk paint color, Florence. I also saw a couple of very cool techniques, using ASCP. I learned about a technique called wet distressing. Once the ASCP has dried,…

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Meeting Mr. Goodwill Hunting

By Barbara Bussey | June 23, 2012 |

Hello from Atlanta!, I’m back at the airport, after a mind boggling three days here! My brain is spilling new information. It’s coming out of my ears! Looks a little strange! One of the high points of the Haven conference, was meeting Rashon Caraway, better known as Mr. Goodwill Hunting. Charm spillith over! (“spillith”: new word) While I had visited his blog before, I’m now a convert! Not only is he a thrift shopping expert, his warmth, humor and authentic charm is infectious! He showed us some of his thrift shop design make-overs, and gave us lots of tips for…

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Bed Dreams {Creating a Beautiful Master Bedroom}

By Barbara Bussey | June 20, 2012 |

Bedrooms have come a long way, baby! There are so many more options, than the matchy-matchy 5-piece bedroom set and “bed-in-a-bag” bedding sets, of yester-year. Thank goodness for that! Bed frames have really made leaps and bounds, giving more options for creating your own unique version of paradise. I reeeaally love the upholstered headboards…you know, the ones that peak in the middle, in a gorgeous jewel tone velvet? Maybe some nail head trim? Being the dull ever practical person, I opt for neutral solids. A little boring, but much easier to decorate around, without a complete overhaul. We have two…

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Party Like It’s the 4th of July!

By Barbara Bussey | June 19, 2012 |

Hello dear friend, Before you take another sip of coffee, I hope you’ll head right on over to Conspicuous Style, where Stacy has graciously allowed me to give her “the day off”! I’m talking about my plans for the upcoming 4th of July, when we’ll be hosting a neighborhood barbecue. Maybe I’ll inspire you to invite some friends over too! I’ll be flying across our beautiful country when you open this blog post, on my way to The Haven bloggers conference, in Atlanta Georgia. I’ll keep you posted on the happenings! Until next time, Best to you!

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Gotta Love San Diego

By Barbara Bussey | June 17, 2012 |

While the kids are in the Apple Store, (Andrew tried swimming, unsuccessfully, with his phone!) I thought I’d send you a note from San Diego! First of all, as their adoring mother (and MIL), I must say that I have some of the world’s best and brightest kids! (oh, you say that too?) Figuring out this human totem pole took planning. It was a really impressive team effort. Problem solvers, they realized Andrew should be on the bottom. Not the kind of challenge any kid should tackle recklessly! Bob and I took some wonderful walks along the beach. Lots of…

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In the (Paint) Chips

By Barbara Bussey | June 16, 2012 |

I hope you’re having a wonderfully peaceful weekend! Happy Father’s Day to all the Dad’s! (Courtesy of Benjamin Moore’s Facebook page.)

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What a Difference a Frame Makes

By Barbara Bussey | June 15, 2012 |

I bought this sweet carousel horse, about 25 years ago. I recall that it was one of the first pieces of “real” art I had ever purchased. I found an old, chipped but much more interesting frame, at a recent estate sale for about $12, and decided to give my old friend a “face lift”. The new/old frame was slightly smaller, so for less than $6, I purchased a new piece of glass. I also had to cut the matting down, using a straight edge and an exacto knife. For a total of $18, I think it makes the art…

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