Back to School!

By Barbara Bussey | November 7, 2012 |

Greetings, dear friends!, Just a little FYI… While I’m off to Dallas,for a comprehensive 2-day painting class, The Treasured Home will be closed on Thursday and reopen Friday, Saturday and Sunday, (11-5) thanks to the wonderful Debbie and Joaquin. I’ll be sure to report in and let you know some of the new tips and tricks I learn! Stay tuned!

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A Special Gift!

By Barbara Bussey | November 6, 2012 |

I got a great surprise today, from friend, Jane Schott, who writes Empress of the Eye. Now, if ya’all been here for long, you know that the hubs is known as “Mr. Wonderful”! What a cool gift! Thank you, Jane! Last January, I enjoyed a great afternoon in West Palm Beach, touring Antique ($) Row, with Jane as my capable guide. Had a blast. Jane was just the same in person as she is on her blog. What you see, is what you get. Works for me. I found that she collects the book “I Married Adventure”, so I sent…

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A Miss Mustard Seed Milk Paint Testimonial

By Barbara Bussey | November 5, 2012 |

Hi there! I hope you had a great weekend! Spending as much time as I do at the shop, I am totally missing out on the new fashions at TJMax! Frankly, shopping used to be a hobby of mine. I ended up with lots of things I didn’t need, or necessarily look good in, for $19.99. I wear jeans most days now. On dressy days, I wear jeans without paint! It’s probably time to do a final sweep of my closet and weed out the remaining pieces worn, when I called on businesses in the corporate world. Speaking of paint……

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Before and After (Grain Sack!)

By Barbara Bussey | November 3, 2012 |

Can you imagine all the oak furniture, just waiting to be painted? They remember the glory days, when everyone wanted them so badly. They remember being the center of attention. Do you have any of these pieces in your home? Do you hear them cry out, as you pass them by, unnoticed? Could a box of MMS be all you need? Isn’t this far better than… I gave this little beauty, that had been spending lonely day and nights, in a dark and lonely garage, a new lease on life. We brought her to the Home for Unpainted Furniture, (aka…

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Milk Paint Inspiration

By Barbara Bussey | October 31, 2012 |

Greetings, dear friends! Tonight, Mr. Wonderful and I delivered the milk painted dresser to one of my brand new customers, Jana! It’s gone to a great home! Things were pretty busy at the shop today, but I made a fun bolster pillow out of what was formerly a rice sack! Pretend that there’s a great photo about ( ) here! I also prepped my new darling oak dresser for Grain Sack. Prepping just involves cleaning with TSP and removing hardware. Isn’t she cute? Just you wait! ( An oval mirror had been removed, prior to picture taking.) This morning, one…

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Save the Date

By Barbara Bussey | October 30, 2012 |

Meet the Artist Carmichael artist, Jean Lamour Open House Reception Wine and Cheese Wednesday, November 7th, 6-8 p.m. At The Treasured Home 9906 Fair Oaks Blvd. Fair Oaks, CA 95628 916/514-5272 (No Charge for Nice People)

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New Buffet at The Shop

By Barbara Bussey | October 29, 2012 |

Hello darling!, Do you ever notice that all of the wrinkle creams advertised in the magazines, are typically modeled by 17 year old women? If I’m not mistaken, I believe I’ve aged about 13 years over the last six months! My wrinkle cream can’t keep up! Cripes! Opening up a shop is not for wimps! Since my milk painted dresser sold in the first 8 seconds, after the store opened on Saturday, I needed a replacement…quick. My new BFF, Jennifer, came to the rescue! She’s a natural whiz with the chalk paint and a real doll! Isn’t she a beauty?…

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Great First Day at the Shop!

By Barbara Bussey | October 27, 2012 |

What a day! I felt like a kid in a candy store, today. Our first customers were Mark and Julie Peabody. They’re a Delta farming family and were in search of Milk Paint! Jini, my fab assistant/friend and I welcomed them with open arms. I think I had Julie, who reads the blog, a little surprised, when I greeted her with a hug. my very first CUSTOMERS! Lots of dear friends have visited this week, to help me prepare and celebrate. I am so blessed! Until next time, Barbara

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Monday: Closed
Tuesday: 10:30-4:00
Wednesday: 10:30-5:00
Thursday: 10:30-6:00
Friday & Saturday: 10:30-5:00
Sunday: 12:00-4:00


(916) 514-5272