A Favorite Childhood Memory September 3, 2012

Hello there!

I’m up at the family house, at Lake Tahoe, for the week. We’ve just said goodbye to the last friends to visit. I love enjoying the company of good friends and I also love sitting back, enjoying the solitude. This is the best of both worlds!

Since I have no furniture projects to paint and limited paper crafts to create, now that my glue stick ran dry, I’m writing today about one of my most favorite childhood memories. This is something we could all write about. In fact, I invite you to do this.

Being the middle child, of five, born to busy and demanding parents of limited means, my childhood would not be what one would call an idyllic experience. But then, the more friends I talk to, it seems like more of us than not, had less than wonderful childhoods.

Unpleasant memories are not something I reflect on often. I’m the kind of person that remembers the good times, more than the bad. I’m a survivalist, of sorts. How about you?

My fondest memories are of the times when we had Family Night. Family Night was always on Friday night, after we had gotten in our pajamas, ready for bed. Friday night was the chosen night, because my parents usually went out on Saturday night. Mom and Dad would pop corn on the stove top and we each had little mugs, with our names on them, for hot cocoa or tea. Then, with our allotted treats, we’d sit down and watch family slides, using the old projector and screen.

We were totally captivated, seeing pictures of ourselves, taken on holidays, vacations or special occasions. No matter how often we saw the same slides, it didn’t seem to matter. We were stars for the night, up on the “big screen”!

The best part, that seemed to make up for the less than wonderful times, was that on Family Night, we had our parents’ time and attention, which somehow made me feel like all was right with the world. It was a time when we celebrated our membership in the family unit.

What’s your favorite memory, growing up?

Children are amazingly resilient. We don’t need everyday to be “sweetness and light”, but every child needs a few good memories. I wish I could give that to all of the children in the world! Bless the children.


If you decide to share your favorite childhood memory, let me know! Send me the link and I’ll share it, if you’d like!

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  1. Rita on September 4, 2012 at 6:05 am

    I just saw the old movie Hope Floats on Netflix. One of the lines that made an impression on me was that you spend your lifetime trying to overcome your childhood. Makes sense to me!

    • Barbara Bussey on September 4, 2012 at 7:41 am

      Hi Rita,
      I’m convinced that everyone has scars and experiences worth forgetting. Everyone of us gets “tested” in some way(s) during our lifetime. Let’s just not let our past, rule our future! Sometimes that’s easier said than done.
      Take care,

  2. Barbara@HausDesign on September 4, 2012 at 7:17 am

    What a sweet memory – I’m so glad you have that to remember! I was doubly glad to read it because we have started a similar tradition with our kids on Sunday nights, to end the weekend and start the week off with the comfort of the family!

    • Barbara Bussey on September 4, 2012 at 2:25 pm

      Your kids will always remember this. Way to go!

  3. Shirley@housepitalitydesigns on September 4, 2012 at 3:59 pm

    We didn’t have what we called family night, but when we were younger, the weekend nights were somewhat Family NIghts…my parents rarely went out..they socialized with their friends as a complete family unit…and then there was extended family gatherings all the time as my cousins lived close when we were little…I loved your story…I will have to ponder on what story I could share…Being a family of 5 children too…we have lots of stories!! 🙂 Thanks for sharing your childhood memories!!!

    • Barbara Bussey on September 5, 2012 at 7:36 am

      I think I’ll join up with your family in my next life. Sounds like more fun!

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