Look Up There! (More furniture painting classes scheduled!) December 30, 2012
See up there? Yes, that’s it! Up there, at the top of my blog, see where it says “Workshop & Classes”?
Well, if you click on that, it will take you to the class calendar. There are now 4, count ’em, four classes scheduled for January 12th and 19th. They’re free, introductory classes, on both Miss Mustard Seed’s Milk Paint and Maison Blanche’s “La Craie” (frenchy for “the chalk”). You’ll find all the details and learn that you’ll have to register to attend. Register at the shop or by calling 916/514-5272, leaving your name and number.
The La Craie class, scheduled for January 12th is full, I believe, but there’s plenty of room in the other three classes.
So, if you were wondering what your New Year’s resolution for 2013 would be, why not resolve to become a furniture painting master? So, come join us. I promise you’ll have fun!
For all my gorgeous and creative Blog Sisters, around the world, (yes, you!) we are all headed for an amazing year! Let’s show ’em what we’ve got!
Sending good thoughts your way,
I would like an amazing year! May you also have an amazing year! Happy New Year to you and Mr. Wonderful!! 😉
Wish I lived closer!!! 🙂
Wow, Shirley! Looks like you were multi-tasking! Watching the Rose Parade and catching up on your blog sisters!