Crafty Ideas from Pinterest (a Copy-Cat’s Dream Come True) June 25, 2012
Not long ago, on a journey through Pinterest, I discovered a gold mine of craft ideas! Since I sometimes feel like I don’t have an original thought in my mind, I realized I can spend my life copying the creative forces running loose on Pinterest!
The last time I had my hands on an embroidery hoop, I was probably stumbling through my home ec class, in high school! But, on Saturday night, after an early dinner and a long day on planes, Mr. Wonderful and I spent date night at Hobby Lobby! I was so jazzed and filled with ideas, after being at the Haven conference, (Are you sick of me mentioning Haven yet? Sorry!), that I wanted to stock up on some sewing essentials! Of course you know the rest of the story!
Copying Pinterest ideas is NOT cheating. “Imitation is the greatest form of flattery.” These fabric filled embroidery hoops area a great idea and very versatile.
Hi Patti, I saw “3:41 a.m.” On your comment and thought, “wow!”. Then of course, my sharp-as-a-tack brain reminded me you were on the east coast! Thanks for saying “hi”! As you can see, I didn’t take the photography class at Haven. One step at a time!
Hi, Barbara, I’m so glad you enjoyed Haven! I remember seeing you, but I met so many people, it was a blur. Did we talk? So happy you came from CA, it was so much fun!
Great projects using embroidery hoops…not sure they’d get me to enjoy laundry more though! Personally I don’t think I’ve had an original idea in years!! So keep on sharing pinterest and Haven with us. Some of us (me) need all the help we can get!
You and me both, Donnamae!
Hello Barbara, Pinterest is a great place for lots of inspiration. I only wished I would have thought the idea up.As i stated in another comment, we are neighbors. I hope your design business is doing well.
Wow, I love those. How easy and cute. I {heart} Hobby Lobby. Spent several hours there myself on Saturday! Can you believe they had Thanksgiving and Christmas stuff out already?? Although I love the holidays so much I did find my cart going down those very aisles and taking a peek.
Hello Missy,
Are you back from vacation or still at Tahoe? Hard to keep track of you!