Pillow Love January 11, 2012

Since my pillow addiction seems to be growing more serious, I’ll soon be adding an on-line pillow shop to my blog! My tech wizard, Ann Marie, is going to start the process next week and I’m so excited! Pillows will be available as simply a cover, if you have your own inserts, or with poly or down/feather inserts.

If you remember the fur muff I found at Veranda, It has evolved into a little lumbar pillow!

I found another pretty lambs hair muff on eBay that should be here soon. Pillow, anyone?

While out and about, I stopped in at a favorite fabric store and found some new fabric for pillows that I think will turn out nice.


How did all this happen? Isn’t it amazing how one door opens to another, in life? Sure, we don’t go through every open door we see, but good things can happen, when we’re open to possibilities.

I hope you have a wonderful day!

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  1. Jane on January 12, 2012 at 11:25 am

    Well, aren’t you having fun? When do you arrive? I would like to
    take afternoon when you are here to show you around. Let me
    know your schedule.

  2. Dee@ Small House Life on January 12, 2012 at 2:48 pm

    Hi Barbara!

    I especially like the second bunch for the pillows.. Love that selection, actually. You are good!

    dee 🙂

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