Ready to Move to New York? November 27, 2011
Reading the Sunday New York Times, on-line this morning, I sneaked-a-peek at an add for condo’s in Long Island City. The development, called The View, is “one subway stop from Manhattan” and 75% sold…pretty good in this economy!
I haven’t read the fine print, but it appears that 2 bedroom view condos sell for $795,000. Now, we’re not in the market for a New York home, but it doesn’t cost anything to dream, does it?
Where would you buy a home, if it could be anywhere in the world?
That place looks pretty amazing – I’m guessing the ones with that view are a tiny bit more $$$! 🙂
Welcome home, happy Thanksgiving, and all that. If I could buy a home anywhere, it would be in Venice, overlooking the Grand Cana!