2018 at The Treasured Home. Looking back on the year! December 31, 2018
Dear friend of The Treasured Home,
As I sit here, in my favorite spot, on this last day of the year, I am trying to decide whether to take down the 🌲 tree, today or tomorrow. Yep, you’re looking at her! I have a wreath on the front door and garland, here and there, but this is the tree!
Without little ones at home and a shop to decorate, I’m content with things as they are. Mr. Wonderful says we should take the tree down tomorrow! Sounds good to me!
Now, where was I? Let me ramble on…
Sometimes we get so busy in the here and now, that we don’t take time to count our blessings. I’ve heard it said before that we are, at this very moment, where we are meant to be. When ever I have tried to push and shove my life in a direction it wasn’t meant to go, I can reflect years later, with gratitude, thankful that I didn’t get, what I thought I needed.
From day one, 2012, the shop has been one of my best blessings. I can’t think of anything that’s been more challenging or more rewarding. There have been days when I’ve wanted to get off the retail roller coaster ride, but the scary highs and lows aren’t nearly as frightening any more.
It has helped me take the introverted me, and introduced me to some of the most wonderful women! Women who work with me and women who walk through the door; they have all blessed me with kindness, friendship and support!
While owning a retail shop like mine, is not a recipe for financial wealth, it is the source that feeds my mind and soul, with a goodness, that money can’t buy. So thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for your support!
One of our best moves, early this year, was changing out our paint line. It has reenergized our love for updating old furniture and our customers seem to really love the change to Fusion Mineral Paint, as well. Win-win! With that, we opened an on-line shop, for the paint line. When I say “we”, I should say Jill and Ann Marie! Thank you!
We started a Tuesday morning watercolor class at the shop. Sally is a truly gifted teacher and it is wonderful to see the smiles on four or five women’s faces each week, as they celebrate their successes!
My Mr. Wonderful, pictured during his wild days, serving our country, slayed prostate cancer this summer. 8 weeks of daily radiation treatments, are history and he’s good for another 25,000 miles!
I dove a little deeper this year, into clothing at the shop. It’s uncharted territory for me, so I’m learning as I go. I’ve made some boo-boo’s along the way, but I’m loving it. I’m going to market at the end of the month and am looking forward to checking out a few new lines!
My son Andrew and sweet Nina, became engaged this year. I’m praying that they have a long and wonderful life ahead!
In other family news, my 92 year old aunt and her daughter, came all the way from Chicago, for another family wedding. Aunt Jewell is amazing! Betsy visited us for the second time, too. She’ll be going to Captain training school in Arkansas this spring. I salute you, sweet girl!
One of my dreams came true, as I hosted my first tour to Aix en Provence, with our stellar guide, Jill Mitchell, life-long friend, Karen Ewing, our Jill and her mom, along with about 10 other friends of the shop!
We’ll return for a repeat performance, this May, with a whole new cast of characters! Not sure where we’ll visit, in 2020!
Well, if I haven’t put you to sleep yet, let me send wishes for laughter, friendship and health your way. Let’s throw some creative adventures in, along with all that!
Blessings to you and those you love, in the year ahead!
Happy New Year Barbara. You and your team have created the best in Sacramento. There’s always something new and exciting in those Americana or Parisian pockets throughout the store. I’ve learned so much in your fusion paint classes and have just started to take classes! The Treasured Home is so perfect for finding gifts of all kinds. Congratulations to you and your team for maintaining a beautiful store and keeping it all relevant.
How sweet of you, Leticia! I always enjoy seeing you at the shop! I hope you and your family enjoy a wonderful new year. XO, Barbara
Your shop is an “oasis of happy” every time I visit! I thank you and yours for creating it!! Continued blessings for all in 2019! 🎉
Cheers, Karen
Hi Karen!,
I’m finally writing, to thank you for your kind comments. The shop is my refuge as well and I’m always trying to keep things fresh. Easier said than done, But that’s my goal. All the best to you in the new year!
Cheers!, Barbara