8 Things You Might Not Know About Tina, at The Enchanted Home March 27, 2012

Greetings, dear friends!
I think it’s safe to say that many, if not most of us, here in Blogville, are a bit in awe of Tina at The Enchanted Home. She has a special contract with the “gods of time” and has negotiated a deal where she actually gets 48 hours in each day…when the rest of us get a measly 24! No, it isn’t fair, but what can I say, other than the rest of us need better contract negotiators, representing us!

Not only is she putting the finishing touches on her new (“Architectural Digest” worthy) home in New York, she has just opened her elegant on-line home accessory shop and business is booming!

Hi there! I am so honored that Barbara asked me to be included in this wonderful series featuring various bloggers and 8 things you wouldn’t necessarily know about them! Trust me there isn’t anything earth shattering to share that you are going to run to the presses about but here it goes, 8 things you don’t know about me….

1. I would love to write a screenplay one day. I have an idea for one that I really feel could be a hit, I dont’ say it to boast but just feel it in my bones. I can truly envision it on Broadway and know that as someone who has seen many many Broadway shows, that this is a show I would absolutely buy a ticket to. The premise is all about a random group of people from all walks of life who have one thing in common, how much they hate Sundays! Its a fun script and I cannot give much away but it is wildly entertaining. I personally don’t like them that much either and one day I caught the end of a Oprah show talking about how a lot of people dread Sundays and it was comforting and surprising to know I had lots of company! Anyway, it would be part comedy/part drama and very entertaining!

2. That I got married really young. As in 21 years young! And had my first of three sons at 22. What was I thinking you ask? Good question…lol. Thankfully it was a smart move and 27 years later here we are going strong, with three sons and Teddy in our nest. I don’t know that I would recommend my own kids to get married so young but “back in my day” things were different. Actually that’s not really true, most of my friends were around 30 when they married:) But things happen for a reason and if I had to do anything different, honestly the only thing I would change would be to have had one more child. My “baby” is 16 and I cannot even tell you how my heart strings ache at how I no longer have little ones around. Guess that’s why I cry over Disney and Johnson and Johnson commercials! And when I see a pudgy little toddler waddling around I act like one of those little old ladies and have to start talking to them……..

3. That when I get gas (self service) I have to stop on an even number. Weird I know. I think its my OCD and my penchant for even numbers. Don’t ask….odd but true.

4. That I have a serious addiction to certain candies. Take Swedish Fish as an example, I cannot stop at 2 or 3, noooooo, it takes me the whole package to be satisfied and my waist will serve as a witness. Ditto Milk duds. What can I say?
An update- I have in recent months curtailed previously talked about addiction, while there’s not an outright cure, I have it “under control” unless in a movie theater, then all bets are off and its a free for all (including buttered popcorn).

5. That when I have gone to Paris and Napa Valley, I really truly felt at home in both places. Seriously could have unpacked and made both my places home for good! I mean we all go on vacation and have a great time but normally are ready to go home. In both of these places unlike all the other places I have been, I truly could have have unpacked and had all my things sent over and settled down and called either of them home. Better yet both of them home. Half the year in Napa, half the year in Paris. Oh yea…….if only my family were as free spirited as I was…lol.

6. That my bed is my sanctuary. There is nothing I wouldn’t do to ensure that my bed is the most comfy place on earth. Everything from the softest squishiest down pillow to the fluffiest down comforter, super soft cotton sheets, that are slightly cold to the touch when you slip into them…ahhhh,I am getting antsy to go to sleep just thinking about my bed. My bed is my world and this coming from someone who averages 5-6 hours of sleep a night! But nothing beats slipping into my bed at the end of a day. I would give up food to sleep in a luxurious bed at night (well not Swedish fish and goldfish and sushi)!

7. That I like to pretend I have my own cooking show. I channel Julia Child the whole time because I truly love and admire her joie de vivre. Yep when I am really in the mood, relaxed (less and less lately) alone, at peace, have all my favorite ingredients on hand and about ready to make a favorite meal, I love turning on some background music,start talking to the camera and my audience ( that would be Teddy whose looking at me with suspicion at this point) and have my very own little show. (a little wine helps this happen). Whats life without a little imagination and fantasy! Stay tuned for my next episode……..

8. That I have a pretty fascinating family history on my fathers side which traces our roots all the way back to Martha Washington. We have an extensive book on our families lineage and as I have gotten older, i have become more and more fascinated by it. In addition one of my ancestors helped Thomas Jefferson find The University of Virginia! How about that!! Wish I was young enough to go there……..what a beautiful place.

So there you have it. Thanks Barbara for giving me the stage and for having over to your lovely blog today. This was great fun, wishing you and your readers a fabulous day!


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  1. annie on March 27, 2012 at 3:54 am

    Hi coming over from Enchanted Home. This was fantastic, how interesting. I laughed over the candy addiction and even number thing. I can relate to the comfy bed obsession, am a little like that myself. Very intrigued by the screenplay Tina, you are a girl of many many talents! I say go for it! Wonderful post.

  2. Desiree {CHIC COASTAL LIVING} on March 27, 2012 at 3:57 am

    Loved reading about the great 8 things that I don’t know about you! Well, I knew some a little (what can you expect when we’re blogging sisters!) That’s very interesteing about your family lineage! I’ve been interested in signing up for ancestry.com to see what I can pull together about my families past! Great read here! Have a lovely day!

  3. Acquired Objects on March 27, 2012 at 4:32 am

    Always fun getting to know more about our blogger friends and Tina is no different!

  4. Christy on March 27, 2012 at 4:40 am

    I love Tina! I am a big fan of hers and believe she can do anything. Write her own screenplay? I think it will be a big hit! I laughed about the swedish fish addiction, my sister is the same way, that and gummy bears. I love your humor, makes you so “real”. So interesting about UVA!! My stepson graduated from there two years ago, what a wonderful institution! Your ancestor did it proud, great interview. Nice to meet you Barbara. It is wonderful to meet new people through these fun interviews.

    • Barbara Bussey on March 27, 2012 at 7:26 am

      Hi Christy and all of you ladies! Thanks so much for stopping by and saying hi!

  5. Lisa on March 27, 2012 at 5:18 am

    Hello Barbara,
    This was delightful. I did an ‘interview’ with Tina last week specifically about her new shop so to now read an interview that was more personal sort of rounds it all out! Fabulous questions you asked her. Now, I need to spend some time on your blog since this is my first visit. Thank you so much.
    My best.

    • Barbara Bussey on March 27, 2012 at 7:27 am

      Welcome, Lisa! So glad you’re here!

  6. Debby on March 27, 2012 at 5:51 am

    I love Tina… she has to be one of the sweetest ladies out there and don’t even get me started on her home!! I can totally relate to missing having little ones, (my youngest is 16 too), and I make a damn fool out of myself when I see babies to swoon over! xo

  7. mandi smith t on March 27, 2012 at 5:58 am

    Loved this post, Tina! And love the last picture of the lawn at UVA. Was just there last week for Spring Break! M.

  8. designchic on March 27, 2012 at 6:06 am

    Love Tina and her beautiful blog. What fascinating things that I did not know about her…fun post!!

  9. Susan on March 27, 2012 at 6:11 am

    This was so neat. I love the idea for a broadway show and also cannot stand Sundays, too much of a “down day” for me, being a high energy person I like structure and routine. I would travel to NY just to buy a ticket and see it Tina!
    Too funny about the candy. Fascinating read. Thanks-

  10. Karena on March 27, 2012 at 6:19 am

    Barbara I love this series, and adore Tina. She has accomplished so much in the last couple of years and taken us on the journey of building her dream home. It is so good to know more about her!

    Art by Karena
    The 2012 Artist Series

  11. Teresa @ Splendid Sass on March 27, 2012 at 6:58 am

    Loved learning more about my friend, Tina. I am the same way about numbers, and yes it is OCD but who cares, lol! I also LOVE julie Child.
    Have a great Tuesday.

  12. Jeanne McKay Hartmann on March 27, 2012 at 7:04 am

    Hi Barbara, so much fun to find your blog and to learn more about Tina! Thanks for introducing us these 8 things about her – and for starting my Tuesday with a laugh or two!

    • Barbara Bussey on March 27, 2012 at 7:32 am

      Good morning, Jeanne! What’s not to love, about Tina?! We share a love for Milk Duds! We’ll both be getting dental implants in 20 years, after all our teeth have fallen out! Yikes!

  13. Jalon Burton on March 27, 2012 at 7:11 am

    What a beautiful blog to find. (Yes, through Tina – whom I totally adore!) I think I will stick around for a while and check things out her. Loved the post, girls. I hope you enjoy the rest of your day… Jalon

  14. Therese Long on March 27, 2012 at 7:17 am

    Great read on our lovely Tina and you are so right about her having more time in the day than the rest of us!!!!

  15. Amy@Maison Decor on March 27, 2012 at 8:25 am

    I always love to read more about my friend Tina~she is really a diamond in a world of cubic zirconias!

  16. n on March 27, 2012 at 8:27 am

    And here I thought I knew everything about you! What a fun read. I love that you channel Julia Child-did you ever see the old Saturday Night Live skit about her? I thought it was hysterical- a bit over the top- but hysterical. xo Diana

  17. Veronica on March 27, 2012 at 12:39 pm

    What a fun series and what fun it is to have Tina, as always! Ditto on the foodie show Tina!! lol my Labrador Smirnoff has nodded off to sleep though…darn hound did not find me amusing at all!!


  18. Barbara@HausDesign on March 27, 2012 at 2:31 pm

    What a fun way to learn more about wonderful Tina! I don’t like Sundays either – in face we have started a tradition to make Sunday nights fun – everyone in the family loves it but it’s especially helpful to me! 🙂 Great post.

  19. KATHYSUE on March 27, 2012 at 3:08 pm

    Tina, Love milk duds and popcorn at the theater, but would you believe that several of the theaters do not have milk duds, what are they thinking? Love knowing more about you ad I find you so endearing!! Glad to have gotten to meet you in blogland, Kathysue

  20. classic • casual • home on March 27, 2012 at 3:20 pm

    Barbara: your intro cracked me up…we all find Tina’s stamina and taste A-ma-zing!

  21. Hi Barbara,
    What a wonderful guest you have in Tina! I love her and yes, I agree, she MUST have a 48 hour day. Glad to see you blog…will be coming back!

  22. Taylor Greenwalt on March 27, 2012 at 5:46 pm

    Love Tina! So glad you had her do a guest post and to visit your blog…

  23. The Pink Pagoda on March 27, 2012 at 6:34 pm

    Hi Barbara, it’s so good to know about your blog! What a fascinating post! Tina is amazing. I’m on my way now to check out your store!

  24. Jane on March 28, 2012 at 1:47 am

    What a terrific read about Tina and her world! I am still laughing out loud about her cooking show!

  25. L.P. on March 28, 2012 at 4:20 am

    Tina-this was fun. You crack me up with the numbers and the candy. I love the screenplay idea and agree the subject sounds like a great idea, I also am not a fan of Sundays in general especially in the winter!
    Fascinating family history, love learning more about you and nice to discover Barbaras blog too.

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