What’s New at The Treasured Home… April 7, 2015

It seems like I’ve been playing “catch-up” since returning from Round Top, last week!  


I couldn’t resist bringing in these fun unisex t-shirts, especially since 10% of the company’s profits are going towards research for Muscular Sclorosis.  They should be for sale in our on-line shop soon!


Did I tell you about these neck packs that you can heat or cool, to sooth a stressed neck and sholders?  They come with matching masks, that I love, when I’m having a hard time sleeping. I’ve been searching for gifts that any mother would love, this Mother’s Day…May 10th.  Yes, that is next month!


This is a wonderful line of lavender products, that Mom will love.  There’s even a lavendar sugar, arriving  with the line, next week.  If you want a special treat, lightly sprinkle strawberries, with lavendar sugar!  Lavendar sachets will be arriving soon, too.  The shop will be smelling heavenly!


Segreto Style, has just arrived at the shop. This huge design book is all about finishes!!  It’s a feast for the eyes and a gorgeous book,  from every angle. I only ordered a half dozen copies and half are gone, so take a look, next time you’re  in the shop!



Can we talk?  Ivan, is the manly wet bar, that was an ice box, in its former life, a hundred years ago.  Jill lost count after putting in at least 100 hours to update this beauty.  The price has just been reduced and this treasure needs to find a new home. Lay-away for Father’s Day?  Hint, hint!! Let’s make a deal!


We finished this simply lovely dresser today!  Her name is Pearl and she’d love to meet you. No internet dating for this girl!  We’ll be happy to play match maker for the two of you!!


I swore I would never buy another pillow for the shop, but I couldn’t resist these two new arrivals!  Rolled up, under the chair is one of the vintage style vinyl mats, I told you about, a while ago.  Not the best presentation,, all rolled up, eh?  The basket is full of over 100 different color and pattern samples you can order from. 




These are vintage monogrammed French night shirts, that look pretty cool over leggings or jeans.  Wonderful fabric!

Well, there’s always more, but it’s past my bed time, so stop on by!

We have our first weekday, day-time Paint Your Own Piece class, this week…tomorrow, in fact. II thought it would work better for moms with school aged kiddos.  I’m not sure, but I think that there are two spots left, in case you can make it.

Until next time….  



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  1. L.Y. on April 9, 2015 at 7:24 am

    My first time ordering Miss Mustard Seed’s Milk Paint online. Thank you, Treasured Home. I was delighted how wonderful the contents of my order was put together. And so surprised to discover MMS’s “Look Book One” tucked in the box for a novice like me. How to achieve the chippy look, the many uses of hemp oil, all about the bonding agent and a treasure trove of colorful full-page ideas. Everything arrived promptly. My first project is painting an antique hutch (in kitchen), boxwood green with a little Luckett’s Green. I experimented with oval and square picture frames, first, to get the hang of it. Sanding, not sanding, bonding, no bonding, antique wax over clear wax. SO. MUCH. FUN. And the transformation is just amazing. I keep the Look Book open on a book stand, my paint brushes in canning jars and have created a corner in my make-shift studio for Milk Painting. I just popped in to say thank you.

    Putting a 2nd order together, LaurieY from Oregon

    • Barbara Bussey on April 9, 2015 at 8:28 am

      Good morning, Laurie!,
      What a treat, to find your note this morning. Jill packs our orders and does a wonderful job!
      I’m happy that you’re having so much fun with milk paint! That’s what it’s all about.
      Take care and thanks for your kind words!
      Barbara and Jill

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